Daily horoscopes: December 23, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

Make sure you have all your information in order before engaging in a debate. The other side has boned up on their facts and should be considered armed and dangerous.


(April 20 - May 20):

Pining away gets less romantic with each passing day. You don’t do helplessness well. It’s time to take charge of your life. Read more

7 Gifts to get your millionaire man

Dating a millionaire has a lot of perks that are so obvious, I honestly don’t think I need to go into them. There are also some hurdles of dating a man with a lot of money, too. And the issue I’m going to tackle in this post is gift giving. Getting a gift for a man who has everything is tricky. He buys himself anything he really wants. And with his bank account, it’s going to be difficult to top anything he already has access to. But, you still want to make your mister feel special over the holidays, so of course you’re going to get him a present. The only issue is what are you going to get him? What could you get your millionaire man that he hasn’t already thought of himself? Read more

Daily horoscopes: December 22, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

You’re willing to learn from experience, but don’t see a current dilemma as having merit. It does. However it will only be recognizable in hindsight.


(April 20 - May 20):

There are different types of strengths. One is willpower and the other is endurance. If you can’t gain the upper hand, focus on developing a thick skin. Read more

6 Tinder tips from real women who found love on Tinder

I’ve discussed it on this site a million times. Online dating and dating apps are must-dos if you’re looking for love. There is absolutely no room to negotiate there. If you’re not looking for love online, you’re simply not trying. End of story. That being said, online dating isn’t a walk in the park. It’s a whole lot of work and can get exhausting, especially dating apps like Tinder. So, I thought that I’d talk to real women who found love on Tinder and pick their brains for important lessons we single girls can learn from their success. I found their answers to be super interesting and I hope you do, too! Read more

Daily horoscopes: December 21, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

Be open to others’ input today because there’s wisdom where you least expect to find it. The Universe chooses strange mouthpieces when the Moon sextiles Neptune.


(April 20 - May 20):

It’s not the time to be choosey about what kind of cavalry arrives and when because you could use a helping hand. You can always work out the particulars later. Read more

She Put A Spell On Me

Annie Lennox put a spell on me. Jimi Hendrix. Singer, songwriters, musicians, poets, novelists, have been writing about love for centuries. It’s got to be the number one topic. Read more