There is no Magic Formula to Finding the One

Woman looks for a formula to find love
The first question I get asked by new clients is always, “How many dates will it take until I find the one?” Of course, I would love to answer them immediately with something super specific like, “It will take 3 days and 4 hours!” or “On your third date, you will fall in love.” Unfortunately, the only actual answer I have is I don’t know. Read more

Top 5 Vibrators for Couples on Valentine’s Day

If you’re nervous about inviting a third into the bedroom you’ve probably been asking yourself these questions: Will it hurt our relationship? Will it come between us and destroy what we have? Will we ever be able to enjoy sex just the two of us again? Calm down. Pour yourself a glass of vino and get some perspective. We’re talking about a vibrator here, not a threesome with another person. Besides, why get roses and chocolate for Valentine’s Day when you can have multiple orgasms? Celebrate V-day with your partner and one of these vibrating lovers. Read more

Is Cupid’s Day a Stupid Day?

Is Valentine's Day a stupid day?
Yes and No. Yes if you see Valentine’s Day as a mandatory time to express love – you go through the motions because you feel obligated but don’t honor or feel the emotional significance. No if you use February 14th to make a big splash in your relationship and create an extra special connection. Then it can be worthwhile and memorable! In fact, there are three levels of connection that you can use in your relationship, each a particular ritual. A ritual is a repeated and intentional action which can help you feel closer to your partner in both little and big ways: Read more

Plastic Surgery for Barbie

Plastic surgery app for Barbie
P.T. Barnum is reported to have said that there is no such thing as bad publicity- but as regards some of the things I read about plastic surgery and the people offering it, I would have to disagree. On the other hand, sometimes the good guys win… A few days ago, Twitter was exploding with commentary on an app being offered in the App Store as a game with Barbie branding in which cartoon style young women with unfortunate aesthetic problems were patients in the game player’s plastic surgery office, allowing one to play at doing liposuction and making incisions here and there that resulted in a more traditionally beautiful version of the cartoon patient in the game.  Read more

Attention Men: Valentine’s Day Jewelry Gifts For Any Relationship Stage

Je T'aime Circular Crystal Drop Earrings
If you know me, follow me on social media or watch me on TV, you know that I just launched a jewelry line that I’m so stinking proud of. Designing is jewelry has always, always, always been a dream of me. I mean, are you surprised? Sparkle and I go together like peanut butter and jelly! What I’m most proud of with my line is how affordable it is. I’ve always known that you don’t have to be a millionaire to make your lady feel like a million bucks. And now, you don’t even have to be a millionaire to make your lady look like a million bucks! Je T’aime, my jewelry line, is full of luxurious pieces that are all affordable and all express to your lady just how much you treasure her. To make selecting a piece for your Valentine easier, I created a little Je T’aime gift guide, broken down by where you are in your relationship. Read more

5 Signs You’re Dating a Man Child

Immature man
When navigating our way through the dating jungle, we come across a variety of male species. Sure, there’s the player, the jerk and the commitment-phobe, but now we have a new species: the Man Child. I’ve yet to come up with a catchy term for this phenomenon (Mandren? Chilan?), but that doesn’t change the fact that they’re out there. Boys disguised as men. They have the body of a 27-year-old, but the maturity of a toddler.  Here are the top five signs that you’re dating a man child: Read more