Is Your Cleansing Diet Worth the Headache?

Juicer extracting juice from vegetables
Do you feel like your body needs a re-boot?  Are you tempted to drink your way back into your summer bikini with a juice cleanse or fast?

Squeezing Out Food

We all encounter chemicals in our foods (colorants and preservatives), water (chlorine), and air (carbon monoxide). These toxins build up in the body and cause inflammation and a weakened immune system, making us easy prey for colds, headaches, arthritis and serious illnesses like cancer and heart disease.  The theory behind juice cleanses is that when the body is free from the burden of digestion, it can better expel the toxins we take in resulting in optimum health, a mental advantage and guaranteed weight loss. Read more

Men are Catching the “Beauty Bug”

Man looks in mirror
When was the last time you heard the term “metrosexual”? Popularized in the mid-1990’s as a way to describe men who take great care in their appearance, the term has lost some of its oomph today, as more and more men fit this description. Simply put, yesterday’s metrosexual is becoming today’s common man. These days, newer terms such as “manscaping” and “brotox” have been ingrained into pop culture. This further suggests that men today are taking a greater interest in their appearance than ever before. Read more

5 Red flags every woman ignores, but shouldn’t

Couple doesn't see the relationship red flags
I think the world of all of my girlfriends. I’m friends with the hands down most accomplished, inspiring, confident and fun women on the whole planet. But, sometimes they come to me with relationship issues that I can’t believe they’re trying to resolve. Literally, they’ll ask me how to handle deal-breaker scenarios and my only advice is to dump the schmuck. So, I realized that if my bright, amazing women friends are tolerating men who are waving red flags like crazy, that means that every single woman out there is ignoring red flag behavior. And it has to stop. So, here are five deal-breaking red flags no woman should ever in a million years ignore. Read more

5 Healthy Habits That Can Ignite Your Love Life

Woman celebrates healthy lifestyle
The benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle are well documented, but did you know that certain healthy habits can also have a drastic affect on your love life? Here are five of my favorite healthy habits to start today. Read more

Should You Carry His “Baggage?”

Man carried his baggage
Here’s something to consider. When you describe your perfect partner, how often do you include baggage in your list of desires? How many times do you look for emotional issues in your ideal man? The chances are you NEVER deliberately look for men with baggage, because baggage comes with its own set of problems. So what if you met a guy who was perfect in every other way, except for the fact he was carrying around something from his past that still affected him today? Read more

What we can learn from James Franco’s dating fiasco

There’s a right and wrong way to go about using dating sites and social media to find love – or sex. Or a combination of both. Let’s face it – Sometimes it’s whichever comes first. I don’t judge. Actor James Franco recently demonstrated the wrong way. In fact he also demonstrated what a clueless, desperate idiot he is. After meeting a female fan outside the Broadway theater where he’s starring in “Of Mice and Men,” Franco posed for a photo with said fan. Read more