5 Fitness Friendly Date Ideas

couple takes surfing lesson for a date
While I don't consider jogging on side-by-side treadmills at your local gym the definition of romance, it is possible to get your sweat on while on a date. Taking a fitness class together is a great date idea, as it allows you to get to know each other in a low pressure environment--no awkward silences here! It's also a good test to see if you can relax and have fun together without worrying about how you look because nobody looks perfect and sexy at all times when they are working out . Not all fitness classes are ideal for couples though, so instead of inviting your crush to an advanced Crossfit class, consider these more date-friendly options instead. Read more

Sex And How To Turn Him On – There’s Nothing Wrong With Being A Bad Girl

Ladies of the world… There’s something important I want you to know. You’re a beautiful, open, sexy woman; and it’s perfectly OK to be direct, passionate, and a little bit naughty. Don’t forget humans are sexual beings. We’re allowed to have your sexual energy turned on. In fact, to meet men you HAVE to have your sexual energy turned on. I love women who are direct, naughty, and a little kinky sometimes. I respect it, and most high quality men will respect it too. Read more

Fabulous hair styles for spring

Jennifer Lawrence
Spring is all about change: It’s a very “out with the old, in with the new” kind of season.  Time to dust off, and freshen up — not only your closet, but your hair as well. With so many fun trends happening, there’s no time like the present to mix up your current look, with one of these fabulous styles: Read more

3 Things every man wishes you would say to him

Girl whispers into her boyfriends ear
All men put up that burly, manly act. They act like the only thing that can get them emotional is their favorite team winning (or losing) in overtime. But, here’s the truth: Men are humans. (I know, shocking science fact!) And humans have emotions. And your human man is dying for you to say certain things to make him feel mushy and gushy and bubbling over inside. He’d just never let you know what they are because that’s not macho. Well, fear not. I know the three secret phrases that are the keys to making your man feel like melty mush inside. Read more

Why You Should Break Your Dating Rules At Least Once

A mom looks for dates online
When I decided I was ready to seriously date as a single mom, I came up with a laundry list of dating rules for myself. It was uncharted territory for me, and frankly pretty scary. In my mind I was dating for two now – not just one. If I wanted to make sure the next man I fell for would be a good role model for my son, I had to be a hell of a lot pickier. Dating in my 20s was about hooking up, while starting to date again in my 30s was about settling down. I’d worked hard to build a stable life for my son and myself after becoming a single mom, and I wanted to be extremely cautious about the men I let into it. Read more

Top 10 First Date Deal Breakers

Woman looks irritated on a bad first date
It’s a Friday night, you’ve met someone you have great chemistry with, that shares common interests and relationship goals with you, and you’ve got yourself a date! Sounds great, right? Even with all of these dating puzzle pieces in place, it is still very possible to make such a bad impression on date number one that any chance of a second date flies right out the window. So that this doesn’t happen to you, here are 10 first date deal breakers that you should avoid at all costs if you want to get to date number two. Read more