How a player turns into a stayer

Couple celebrates an engagement
Welp, the impossible has happened. America’s favorite bachelor is officially tying the knot. That’s right. The mayor of Swoontown, George Clooney, proposed to his girlfriend Amal Alamuddin. And let me tell you, she’s an eleven. Not only is she gorgeous, but she’s smart and an activist. Beauty, brains and class—what a triple threat! As fabulous as Amal clearly is, I think every woman in the world is wondering how she turned the ultimate player into a stayer. Well, I know how and I’ll tell you. Here we go. Read more

4 Ways To Get Through a Break-up The Healthy Way

Woman ignored her ex-boyfriend

AKA how to avoid drowning your heartbreak in vodka and snickers...

Break-ups are the worst. When a relationship ends and you find yourself alone, it can be difficult to get out of bed, let alone dig deep to find the motivation to drink a green smoothie and hit the gym. However, there are small things you can do every day that will make the break-up process that much smoother, and get you on your way to moving on fast! Read more

4 Online Dating Mistakes Women Make

Woman sets up her online dating profile
Attention Ladies! Attention online shoppers! Attention man hunting women! Online dating profiles do not require, nor give you the right to share an epic romance novel with the world. We do not want to see the second coming of Ariel and Eric in the Little Mermaid. As some of you know, a few weeks ago I ran a special offer where I would rewrite your online dating profile. So, the last week I’ve been doing nothing but looking at women’s profiles. I’ve been on all the dating sites too. Plenty of Fish,, OKCupid and a few others. Read more

Lindsay’s “list” makes the rounds

People often say you should never – EVER – UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES share your "number" with someone you're dating. Not the number of donuts you ate for breakfast this week, silly. Your sexual history - the number of men or women (or men and women - hey you never know!) you've hooked up with. Why? Because making a record of this statistic can be catastrophic - just ask Lindsay Lohan. Read more

#AskPatti: Getting over heartbreak, looking for love, settling questions & more!

Ask Patti Stanger
Hello, hello! How are you all? Based on your fantastic questions, you guys are definitely feeling spring fever. And I’m 100% with you! Something about spring time just gets everyone’s romance juices flowing. It’s a great time to start dating someone new or double down with your partner and be really romantic with each other, like you’re back to those first few months of dating. Here are some of my favorite #AskPatti questions from this week. There were so many, I couldn’t do them all. But, check back soon. I’ll save all of them and answer them at some point! Read more

When is the right time to go in for the kiss?

Couple shares their first kiss
I honestly don’t know what is worse, a guy going in for the kiss too soon or not going in soon enough. What I do know, is that if a guy comes into the personal space territory when he is not wanted there yet, well that can be a big problem. Barf. It’s totally weird for everyone, including the people that happen to witness it.  At least the bystanders got a good laugh out of it, the two people involved, not so much. Read more