Dating After Divorce: When To Take The Single Out Of Single Mom

Worried single mother figures out when to date again
Figuring out when to start dating post breakup or divorce isn’t always easy, and it can be especially hard for single parents. Everyone’s situation is different and depending on the circumstances surrounding your split, you may need time for the emotional dust to settle before looking for love again. As you’re easing into a new routine with your kid(s) you might feel too overwhelmed to even think about dating – and that’s okay! Read more

Lip color that lasts through the night

So, you've made it to date night! Your outfit and hair are prepared to withstand whatever the night may hold - your lip color should be too. Here are 4 lippies to consider for getting fade, budge, and smudge-free wear no matter what your plans are. Read more

5 Reasons Men Won’t Commit To You

Are you dating Mr. Commitment Phobia? You love each other to bits, and you’d love nothing more than to settle down in a fully committed relationship. The trouble is, no matter what you say, you can’t seem to get him to official commit. You give him everything. Your heart and soul is his, and he knows exactly how you feel, yet in many ways it still feels like you’re living separate lives. Are you just stuck with a man who is afraid of commitment? Are all men commitment-phobes at heart? The answer here is a huge NO. Despite what some women believe, most men are perfectly capable of settling down. But, there are certain things which will put men off committing to you. It could be you’re unwittingly turning a man who would be completely devoted to you, into a “flaker in waiting” by making these 4 relationship mistakes! Read more

How To Get A Guy To Marry You In 20 Minutes

Man proposes to his girlfriend with a diamond ring
To be a successful matchmaker you certainly don’t have to be married or in a relationship, but it does helps if you are able to take your own advice. The advice that I have given in this column, including my recent article on mastering the art of seduction, are techniques that I have personally found success with. In fact, they worked so well for me that my husband proposed to me within 20 minutes of us meeting each other! Here’s how it happened: Read more

Mismatched libidos, Masturbation and Manscaping

Couple gets heated in bed

Let me guess, either you or your partner wants more or less sex. This is a common case of “mismatched libidos.”  And more common than you think. But what to do about it?

I know, it wasn’t that way at the beginning: you had sex like rabbits and couldn’t wait to pull each others clothes off at every turn and were always ready for action.  Then, some time passed, maybe you moved in together, had some kids or got busy with your lives. Happens. But how do you keep sex a priority in the relationship? We discuss this very common issue on this weeks podcast. Read more

Banish the Bloat

Woman squeezes her bloated belly
Can the food you eat cause bloating, or worse yet, create a food intolerance that guarantees the dreaded pooch?  Could be.  Here’s a list of foods to banish and beat the bloat: Read more