How to Derail Your Relationship

Train derailed on bridge
The saddest thing about my job is when my clients’ relationships can’t be saved. But what I find to be most frustrating is when their troubles could have been prevented. It’s super easy to derail a relationship, and knowing what leads to a relationship’s end can also help you prevent it from happening. Read more

4 Ways to tell if your man is cheating

Woman spies on boyfriend caught cheating
If you clicked into the post, I feel you, girl. You have that sinking, nagging, stomach-churning feeling that your man isn’t being faithful. It truly is one of the worst feelings in the whole wide world. Betrayal from someone you’ve poured your heart and soul into just sucks. There’s not other way around it. So, I’m not going to sugarcoat this. Read on for ways to tell if your man could be cheating on you. Read more

4 Tricks to Get Your Couch Potato Active

Man sits on couch watching tv
In a perfect world, the people we are romantically interested in would share most of our interests, goals and passions. It's easy to date someone when these things completely line up, but not at all realistic. Part of what makes dating so fun-and unpredictable-is that we often fall for people who are different from us, people who aren't interested in the same things or don't share a common lifestyle. It's great to broaden your horizons but what happens when the person you're dating  and really like doesn't share your healthy lifestyle? If your idea of a fun Saturday includes a strenuous early morning hike and a green juice while your significant other prefers to sleep in and watch Netflix all day, it might seem like the relationship is doomed. However, with a little compromise, it is possible to find common ground. Read more

Can You Tell The Difference Between Love And Lust?

Love or lust?
Here’s a question for you all today. How many times in your life have you been in love, and I mean seriously in love? Right now some of you will be saying, “Well, maybe once or twice.” Others will be saying, “Wow, probably five or six times.” And others will be saying, “I honestly don’t know if I’ve ever truly been in love.” Read more

5 steps for getting perfect curls

For the first time in years, waves have finally overtaken the straight look.  Nearly all of 2014 hairstyles are showing some kind of “bend”, with the most popular being soft, loose, curls of varying sizes. There is a definite way to master the look, if you aren’t lucky enough to roll out of bed with those tousled, yet kempt, tresses. Here are a few pointers to kick-start your PhD in texture. Read more

#AskPatti: Sober dating, taking my services to Europe, the best millionaires & more!

Ask Patti Stanger
Hello again, my tweeties. I hope that you’re all doing super well. East Coasters, are you hanging in there? It sounds like you all can’t catch a weather break. Here in LA, it’s boiling. I’m heading to the pool as soon as I wrap up writing this. It’s perfect sun and fun weather! (Sorry to brag, but I’m actually not sorry. Move out here! Seriously, I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t live in California.) Anyway, let’s dive into these questions so I can dive into the pool! Read more