Make a move or forever hold your peace

Woman waits for a kiss
Is he EVER going to kiss me!? Ahhhh.  Is there something wrong with me? Is he not attracted to me? Yes, we have all been here.  Some guys are just dumb. Sorry guys, but it’s a true story.  They just are not perceptive of when or how to make that first move.  But I will tell you one thing, If they wait too long, the time will pass and it will be forever gone. Read more

5 Qualities That You Should Look For in a Partner

A happy couple on the grass
According to an American Psychological Association journal article titled Happy Couples, along with the best selling book by Barbara De Angelis titled Are You the One for Me?: Knowing Who's Right and Avoiding Who's Wrong, pointed to five discernable qualities that a partnership must have to be successful. Try to seek these qualities in your partner and make sure you take the risk to open yourself up to truly find out these qualities about someone else. This means you will need to critically analyze this person with fairness and total objectivity. In doing so, this can result in a deeper connection with this person and save you a lot of time and trouble as it will ensure you are on the right path to picking the right matches for yourself. On the other hand, if someone does not meet these basic criteria then you should not consider this person a fitting partner for yourself and have the strength to walk away. Read more

Why Men And Women Don’t Think The Same

Today I have very basic, yet powerful advice for you ladies. Men and women think VERY differently. Men don’t read into everything like women do. If you get a text message from us that says, “Shall we meet up later?” we actually do mean, “Shall we meet later?” If we say, “I’m tied up today. Can we do tomorrow?” We really mean, “I’m tied up today. Can we do tomorrow?” There’s not any hidden agenda or underlying secret. 99% of the time, we mean what we say. You don’t always need to analyze what we’ve said, or try to second-guess what we’re thinking. Don’t waste hours thinking, “Hmmm, what does he mean by, he’s tied up today? Does that mean he’s seeing another woman? What’s he thinking? Does he want me to chase him?” Read more

Four Fashion Trends Your Lady Hates

Men are just as guilty as women when it comes to making fashion faux pas. In fact, I would say they’re more frequent fashion offenders than we are, which is why I feel it is my duty to outline all of the trends men wear that women hate. You’ll thank me later, guys, I promise. Read more

What I learned at the 2014 Matchmakers & Date Coaches Conference

Lisa Clampit at the Matchmaking Institute Conference
As most of you know if you have been following along with me week to week, the Matchmaking Institute held our International Conference at the end of April. I am thrilled to announce that it was the most successful conference that we have had to date! The weekend was more than just an educational conference; it was a movement. Over 110 matchmakers and date coaches arrived from all over the world not knowing what to expect, and immediately started connecting with each other. They jumped right on board our mission to spread love around the world. Read more

5 Techniques To Close The Orgasm Gap

The simple truth is that, in most cases, it takes women longer to orgasm than men. I get asked all the time, ‘Why is it easier for men to orgasm than women?’ Women also ask for ways to make their man last longer during sex because they aren’t getting their chance at orgasm, and sometimes it’s men asking what they can do to prolong their moment of orgasm. The bottom line is that it takes men an average of five to six minutes to reach orgasm, while it takes women an average of 15 to 20 minutes. That’s what is called the ‘Orgasm Gap,’ and it’s an issue that almost all couples have to deal with at some point in their sex lives. Read more