Signs you’re in a “for now” not “forever” relationship

Woman questions what kind of relationship she is in
How do you know if the guy you’re dating now is the one or just a future memory in the making? It’s often tricky because things like good sex and perfectly crinkly eyes when he smiles can make you feel like the relationship is more real than it actually is. Trust me, it happens to even the smartest women. A nice tush can do the same thing! So, here are quick questions you can ask yourself to find out if he’s perfect for you forever or just for now. Read more

Dating With Kids: Tips For Introducing Your New Boyfriend

A single mom introduces her boyfriend to her child
So you've finally met someone. You go, girl! Wondering if it's getting serious enough for this amazing man to meet your kid? While some single moms choose to introduce new boyfriends right away, others wait. It's really a matter of preference. I've always been a waiter. I'm pretty picky about the men I bring into my own life, so you can imagine how picky I am about who I bring into my son's. I've never wanted to introduce someone to him and a few months later have to explain why "so-and-so" isn't around anymore. Read more

Can You Save Your Relationship?

Couple fights in a difficult relationship
Few things in life hurt as much as the end of a long-term relationship. It was all amazing at the start. You were in love. You had fun. You had passion. You couldn’t keep your hands off each other. It all felt so beautiful. It really felt like you could go on together forever and take on the world. But things changed. Maybe you got married, or had children. Maybe there was a family tragedy, or a house move that didn’t go to plan. Whatever it was, the passion is dying and the relationship is struggling. You feel alone, frightened, and sometimes even desperate. Read more

6 Steps to Find and Keep Love for the Long Run

An elderly couple makes their relationship last
It’s not easy to maintain a healthy relationship. In fact, one of the questions I hear from clients most often is, “How do I keep the romance alive as the years go on?” Here are 6 steps to help you tackle this tough topic. Read more

Did You Say Breastgasm? The How To’s of the Wonderful Nipple Orgasm

Woman covers her breasts after a breastgasm
Did you know that some women can have orgasms from breast stimulation alone? In fact, a nipple orgasm is the second most common form of orgasm for women. Every woman (and man) differs in the way they want to be touched, and some women might not like having their nipples touched. Read more

It’s My Metabolism! Or is it?

Woman loses weight but not because of her metabolism
Sound familiar?  If you’re carrying a few extra pounds it’s tempting to blame a sluggish metabolism. But what is metabolism really? Metabolism is the sum total of all the chemical reactions in the body. Most of us think of metabolism only as a calorie-burning phenomenon—a body process that relates to thermic efficiency. But this definition alone is inadequate. Relying on it may explain why the approaches to metabolism we’re accustomed to, such as exercise and diets that “kick-start” it, are not effective. Read more