Change Your Timing, Change Your Arguments

Couple screams at each other during a fight
You and your partner are in the middle of a heated argument. Your partner tells you to stop because they want a break. But you keep going, since you can’t let things go. You think you have to resolve this right now. What’s the outcome? If it’s anything like what my clients go through there is most likely hurt, angry outbursts, regretful words, tears and maybe the silent treatment for hours or even days. How do intelligent, rational people who love each other do such harm to each other? Because they’re not rational when they hit that “point of no return.” Read more

The Secret to Looking Younger for Longer

Woman receives facial making her skin look young
The better question is probably, who doesn’t?  While in my 20’s, I used to come home each month with the newest edition of Shape or Fitness magazines.  My husband would tease and say, “Let me guess.  The secret to being thin is eating less and exercising more.”  Although this is an overly simplistic view, it is not that far from the truth. Taking care of your skin is very much the same.  The answer to prolonging your youth can be summed up in two words…EARLY MAINTENANCE. Read more

How do I get him to notice me?

Girl gets noticed on the beach
Alright single ladies, this one’s for you. You have your eyes on a prize. Whether it’s a hottie at work or the fellow across the bar with those piercing gray eyes, you’ve got to get him to notice you. There are a few basics to flirting that can apply to any situation. And here they are. Read more

How To Stay Positive After a Bad Date…Or Ten 

woman stays positive after a bad date
There are few things more defeating than coming home after a bad date. The disappointment can be enough to make you want to delete your online dating profiles, tell your friends you're off the market and declare yourself eternally single. If you're serious about finding love though, you're going to have to accept that bad dates just come with the territory, and it's how you handle them that really matters. For every bad date there will be five good ones-at least that is the pattern I've noticed in my own life. Here are some tips on how to stay positive after a no good, terrible, horrible date. Read more

Are YOU The Reason You Can’t Find Love?

Woman searches for love
Do you find most your dates end up going nowhere? Do find yourself sitting home alone on Saturday nights while most your friends are snuggling with their partners in front of a movie? Have you tried meeting a man online but ended up disappointed? Believe me. I get thousands of emails a week, and I hear it all. You met a guy who really wanted to be with you, and just as you opened up to him, he stopped calling and texting you. You don’t think online dating works. You feel like there are no good men out there. You feel unsexy and undesirable. You blame past relationships for ruining your self-confidence. No men approach you. There are no men in your age range available. Read more

Hair Survival Kit

Get out your white jeans and open toe shoes girls! It’s almost Memorial Day! If there’s one thing to be sure of, the weather for this festive 3 day weekend, is predictably unpredictable.  I find, the same is true for hair…sometimes excessive humidity give soft, pliable loose curls, while other times, it makes for a frizzy disaster.  Here is my list of “5 Must Have Items" to insure you hair can be repaired in a moments notice- rain or shine, beach, mountains, or desert: Read more