How To Tell If Your Relationship Is Rock Solid

A happy couple celebrates their rock solid relationship
Are you in a relationship and wondering if your two are going to stand the test of time or unravel at some point in the future? I think everyone in a real relationship wonders that at some point or another. Now, I’m not a psychic, but I do think that I can give you the answer of if you two are going to last or not based on five really simple criteria. Read more

5 Dating Behaviors That Are Stressing You Out

Woman stressed over dating
Nobody ever said that dating was a walk in the park, and I'm all about the little things that make the process of finding love just a bit easier. Here are five dating habits that are totally stressing you out, and how to break them. Read more

What Do His Mixed Signals Mean?

Woman looks for clarity on how to read his mixed signals
One minute he’s all over you, the next he’s avoiding all contact with you. One moment he’s desperate to see you, the next he’s always too “busy” to see you. What’s going on? Why is he giving you mixed signals, and what can you do when a man gives you mixed signals? It’s funny because I get these emails from women all the time, asking me, “Why is my guy acting like this?” Read more

Hair Myths Debunked: Fact vs. Fiction

It seems there is no lack of secret hair tips, from the gems your grandma shared, to the ones in a late night infomercial. With so much misinformation swirling around out there, let's shed a little light on fact vs fiction when it comes to hair: Read more

#AskPatti: Health arguing, deal breakers, curvy girl problems & more!

Ask Patti Stanger
Hello! And welcome back to another #AskPatti. Just wanted to let you lovelies know that I’m going to be scaling back on my #AskPatti columns. I’ll still be reading all of your questions and answering the best ones, but it just won’t be every week. So, keep those questions coming and be on the look out for answers on the site. I’m thinking I’ll be doing an #AskPatti about once a month moving forward, but it could be more! Just keep your eyes open! Read more

5 Signs that he’s a Keeper

Excited couple
When do you really know that you’ve met “the one”? Is it something that happens over night or something that takes time to figure out? Unfortunately, there is no easy Facebook quiz to take that will give you the answer, but there are five signs that may be able help you realize if he’s the one or not. Read more