Top 5 Tinder Pictures That Won’t Get You Laid

We all have the app. We all swipe through it from time to time. But what turns a swipe into a date (or even a hookup)? Just like any dating website, the answer to that question is your picture. Here are my top 5 tinder pictures that definitely won’t get you laid: Read more

How to get over your ex

Girl gets over a breakup with her ex boyfriend
Let’s be honest, breakups are hard. Whether you were dating someone for just a few months, or were married for 20 years, there will always a period of mourning after a breakup. There are a lot of feelings to sort through, and no matter how hard you try it can be hard to get your ex out of our thoughts. Most relationship experts will tell you that after a breakup it’s best to take some time to heal from your loss. They will tell you that you need to work through the hurt, create separation, and heal yourself before looking forward to the next relationship. Read more

How Your Dreams Help You Navigate Your Relationships

Woman sleeping and dreams to guide her relationship

The other morning I was a guest on a radio show in Philadelphia. Listeners were calling in and asking me about their strange dreams.  A lady named Nancy called in and her dream caused me great concern. She said for the last 10 years she had been having a recurring dream, at least once a week, that she was being shot at by German Fighter Jets. She thought the dream may have to do with her father since he was a pilot for the Navy during World War II.

I asked her, “Is your father still with us and if so is he really hard on you?” Read more

SEXplorations: Five Ways to Have More Adventurous Sex

Couple gets frisky and sexually explorative in the bedroom

What’s your favorite meal?

Now imagine having it every day, or even every couple of days.

No matter how great it is, chances are, you are going to start craving something a little different.

The same goes for sex. No matter how great your sex life is, doing the same thing over and over again will feel like a routine.

Here’s the good news: it’s easier than you think to bring adventure back into your lovemaking! To help you get the sex you’re craving, here are five easy ways to spice up your sex life. Read more

Can Your Partner Change?

Woman ponders trying to change her partner
I received a question from a reader: Dear Anita, What advice do you have for someone who may think a person could change through a relationship – “maybe he just needs time to understand how important having a family one day will be.” Read more

You no longer have to pick between your fanny or your face

Woman looks at her face in the mirror
Famous French actress, Catherine Deneuve, has been quoted as saying “After a certain age, you have to choose between your fanny or your face.” What she is saying is something that we in the aesthetic field witness on a daily basis. As we age, the fat compartments in our face naturally begin to atrophy. Maintaining a low BMI can look great for our bodies, but it exacerbates the aging of our faces. With significant weight loss, the face is usually the first place that it shows. Read more