The Relationship Dos and Don’ts For The Modern World: The Social Media Dilemma

Woman faces social media dilemma with her relationship
When do you and your boyfriend make it ‘Facebook official’? Should you delete old pictures of your ex and you? Do you share your Facebook passwords with your boyfriend and vice versa? How do we define our real-life relationships, online, relative to social media? Today’s modern world poses a new dilemma, the social media dilemma, in which past generations never had to consider: How do we maneuver our real-life relationships into this new and inevitable social media arena and how do we distinguish when it’s appropriate to transition these relationships that we have in real life- online? It is exactly this: no different than in the olden days, we must lay down the ground rules for our relationships offline as well as online. Read more

3 Things Men Desperately Want You To Know

What guys desperately want women to know
As a man and a dating coach, I know men can be confusing to you ladies. I read all your emails, and I know you hate trying to figure out what we’re thinking, or trying to understand why we go cold sometimes. I know that sometimes men can feel like an unsolvable mystery, and there’s nowhere near enough room in this post for me to explain all our quirks (although in my program, “What Men Desire” I reveal exactly how men think and feel) but in this post I want to reveal 3 things men DESPERATELY want women to understand about us… Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin… Read more

9 Summer Fashion & Beauty Rules to Snag a Man

Snag a guy for the summer with these 9 fashion tips
Welcome to the first in my three part series on how to make the most of this summer and snag your perfect mate!  When it comes to dating and meeting new people, first impressions matter a lot. You should always look your best whether you are going to the grocery store for a few minutes, or out to dinner with your girlfriends. You never know where you might meet an amazing man. In order to avoid turning off a potential date before you even get to say hello, here are my top 9 summer fashion and beauty rules to follow: Read more

3 More Relationship Symbols You Need to Look Out For in Your Dreams

More dream symbols
Last week we covered how the dog, the cat and cheating in a dream are the most common symbols pointing to and trying to help you with your relationship. And as promised, this week we are going to cover three more symbols to look out for. Read more

Are Anti-depressants Killing Your Sex Drive?

Dear Emily,I’ve been on anti-depressants for years, and also have disabling period cramps, so my gynecologist has put me on a medication to stop my period entirely. I can function, and do not have to miss days of work now, but I have no sex drive. I feel awful that I can’t give my husband what I want to, but I also don’t want to be in pain or feel depressed. How can I have sex and not be in awful pain? Thanks so much for any advice you have for me! Taylor
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Finding Your Mate: From “The Right One” to “A Good One”

Couple celebrates finding their soulmate in one another
Singles come to me to help them find love. One of the things I commonly hear is, “I want to find Mr./Mrs. Right” or “I want to find ‘The One.’” Even clients who are in a relationship ask me, “How do I know if the person I’m with is ‘The One’?” One of the common criteria I hear that people use to determine if their partner is a good fit is whether there are problems while dating or in a relationship. “Anita, if you’re with the right person, you’ll rarely experience conflict. Right? Right?!?” Read more