Top 5 Reasons Why You Got Shot Down

It’s rough out there in the dating world—trust me, I know—but there are certain things men do that will guarantee a shut down. Look, I applaud you  guys for you efforts, but sometimes you have to know when to quit or when to simply not try at all. Here are my top 5 reasons why you got shot down: Read more

Don’t Let One Heartbreak Destroy You!

Today, I’m going to introduce you to a phrase. The phrase I’m going to introduce you to is exceptionally important to the way you experience life from this moment on. Are you ready for it? Read more

How to Make the Most of Summer Dating Opportunities

With the arrival of nicer weather comes increased opportunity to meet new people and expand your social circle. Hopefully you have used my summer beauty and fashion tips into practice, and we can now dive into where you should go to make your summer romance happen. Read more

The Most Toxic Relationship Behavior

Do you have interactions between you and your partner where you feel your partner is mean and even downright cruel, or vice versa? Do you feel like your partner is disgusted by you, or maybe you’re disgusted by your partner? If so, you’re in dangerous relationship territory. Read more

How To Meet A Good Guy At A Bar

I get asked how to meet a good guy at a bar all the time. Here’s the truth, bars aren’t my favorite places for meeting potential soul mates. Do great couples meet at bars sometimes? Of course they do. So, it’s definitely possible. I just think there are other spots where meet-cutes are way more likely. But, if you’re dead set on going dude hunting at a bar, here are my tips. Read more

10 Online Dating Cliches You Should Stop Using Immediately

If you've ever been a member of an online dating site, you know how hard it is to create a profile that accurately describes yourself and what you're looking for in a partner. That's why many people resort to using the same old one liners in their profiles-they're easy and since they've been used so many times, they must work-right? Wrong! Here are ten of the most common online dating cliches and why you should avoid them. Read more