How To Have Body Confidence For Summer

Summer is in full swing and that means longer days, romantic getaways and less clothes! Not everyone feels comfortable in shorts, tank tops or (shudder) a bathing suit though, and sometimes the thought of stripping down to next to nothing on a date with someone new feels like torture. If you find yourself declining date invites simply because you don't feel confident about your body, you might be missing out on a potential love match. Here is how to increase your body confidence for the summer, and all year round. Read more

Why You Need To Ditch Your Married Man TODAY!

Finally, you’re dating your dream man. He’s hot, charming, intelligent, and sensitive. There’s just one problem. Your new boyfriend is already married. That’s right. Your new beau is already married and of course, his wife has no idea. It still amazes me how many emails I get from women, complaining about the “dating problems” they’re having with a married man. Sometimes the guy isn’t even married, he’s just in a long-term relationship. What’s even funnier is, these women are all convinced the guy is going to leave their wife! Read more

Cory Monteith, Lea Michele, and Dating After Love Lost

It’s been almost a year since the world was rocked by the untimely, tragic death of Glee star, Cory Monteith at age 31 from a reported drug overdose. While hearts bled for the actor’s family and friends, all eyes were on his longtime on-again, off-again girlfriend and Glee co-star, Lea Michele, and how she handled the news – and they still are. Just recently, photos surfaced of Lea hanging out with her new boyfriend, “If You Say So” singer Matthew Paetz – the first guy she has publicly dated since losing Monteith. The two met on the set of her music video back in April, which Matthew is featured in, and the photos show them laughing, relaxing in the park and going for a hike. Losing a loved one is one of life’s most terrifying nightmares, but losing a significant other at such a young age and so unexpectedly really makes you wonder – how do you ever recover? Read more

The Power of Manifestation

The Millionaire Matchmaker Love Report
Hey everybody, Last week Love Report was so strong and we got such great feedback we decided to do a little bit more about manifestation.Of course, there's a little playful teasing going on between David and myself. See, I kind of think David doesn't date age-appropriate women. You know my theory, 10 up/10 down. I think David is slowly inching his way down to 20 down and zero up. Then again in David's mind, that's the adding 10 up and 10 down gives you a reason to still get 20 down. So, listen in. See for yourself if David is dating age appropriate women, or is he going to manifest and bring on exactly what he doesn't want. Talking about manifestation. We go deeper today, David and I go even deeper into manifestations and how to really bring in what you want instead of literally bringing in what you don't want. So many people don't understand the power of what you think about, you bring about. So today, we go deeper into this and really help you understand that all your thoughts are exactly -- is energy you're sending out to the universe. When you send these thoughts out to the universe, you're getting exactly back what you have just put out there, which usually is not what most people want. So today's Love Report is a little heated, I must say, between David and myself. But it's one of my all-time favorite topics, and it comes right from my heart, because I want to see all of you get the love that you deserve, because that's what I'm here for, the reason why I went into match-making, so I can not only work through my own stuff, because you know we're all working through every single day, but to literally get all of you to meet and really find somebody you love. So, today is a very deep, great subject that I think all of you will enjoy.

Manifest Your Man

We all have the desire to find the perfect lifelong partner for ourselves, which seems to come very easily to some and not so easily to others. The difference in those who seem to find a strong and long lasting love versus those who have a difficult time making love last and rather seem to always attract the wrong people is not by mere luck or chance, but rather it is contingent upon the quality of the individual’s thoughts which in turn dictates the result and the quality of one’s relationship and who they ultimately attract into their life. Read more

The Three Things You Really Want from a Dating Site!

Finding the love of your life is not always an easy task. If you are busy, it can be very difficult to make the time to find that perfect someone. Therefore, online dating can be very helpful because you are exposed to a much larger group of singles than you would ordinarily meet in person. Read more