Love advice from Zoe Saldana that I love

I’ve been told that my obsession with celebrity culture is a big fat waste of time by some not so supportive people in my life. And I’m not going to say that celebrity gossip is the best thing to ever happen to humanity, but I really don’t think it’s a waste at all. I love what I love and the glitz and glam of famous people is something I can’t help but love. It’s not just about fame and fortune gawking, though. I’ve learned some important lessons from celebrities about life, money and especially about love. Recently, I was reading coverage of newly pregnant Zoe Saldana’s interview in Marie Claire and absolutely loved the advice she had about dealing with break ups. She was pretty classy and didn’t mention any names, but if you follow her love life (which I obviously do), you can make an educated guess that some of this was based on her experiences with exes Bradley Cooper and Keith Britton. Here’s what I learned. Read more

The Etiquette of Texting

Much like how we speak, how we text is very important when building a relationship with someone. Our culture texts so much that it is only natural to wonder how texting is affecting us and our relationships, it’s a concept completely worthy of analysis and discussion. The prevalence of texting in our society naturally begets the question: how is texting effecting our day-to-day interactions and relationships? Read more

Where Are All The Good Men Hiding?

Do you feel like you’ve been looking for love forever? Does it feel like you’ll never connect with the right man? Do you wonder where all the quality desirable men are hiding? Read more

Four Fashion Failures Not to Make This Summer

Summer is officially here which means sweaters are out and short-shorts are in. We all want to stay cool in the heat, but ladies, there are just some summer styles that we should avoid altogether. Here’s my list of the four fashion failures you shouldn’t make this summer: Read more

Live Matchmaker’s Certification Training with Lisa and Patti in Los Angeles!

  Been thinking about a career as a matchmaker? Now is your chance, west coasters! We are packing our bags and heading to Los Angeles to hold a 3- day training that will kick off on July 31st. Read more

Why You Really May be Dismissing the Nice Guy

Ok ladies, ‘fess up. Have you been on a great date with a nice guy but he just didn’t do anything for you emotionally? He called when he said he would, confirmed plans, was a gentleman…but nothing in the feelings department. Nada. Zero. Zilch. Read more