6 Tips to Cook Good and Look Good

As a nutritionist, I know a lot of facts about healthy foods. As a wannabe chef, I like to surround ingredients with butter and wrap them in bacon. And as a fashionista, I want to fit into all the cute clothes. A conundrum indeed. But, who better to unravel this dietary dilemma, than me? Read more

How To Tell If He Has Boyfriend Potential on the First Date

First dates are fun, exciting, emotional and probably most of all, confusing. With all of the primping and prepping and recapping and judging and drinking and obsessing, it’s hard to actually find a kernel of truth on a date. There’s just so much pomp and circumstance that digging deep and figuring out if there’s a real connection takes some serious know how. I can’t even claim to be a total expert on this. Every date is different, with its own weird clues and misdirects. But, I do have a lot of experience, of my own and with clients, and this is the checklist I like to review after a first date to see if a man has boyfriend potential. Read more

What If My Boyfriend Can’t Get Hard?

  Oh, girl. If you’ve clicked into this post, know that just about every woman on the face of the planet has dealt with this. Erectile problems aren’t just for old men or boring relationships or unattractive women. They happen to men of all ages even when they’re excited about their partner and believe me, even the sexiest women on the planet have reached down to feel something limp. My hottest friend, who’s gotten rave bedroom reviews from many men, has confided in me that she’s dealt with several penis problems in her day. If it happens to her, it happens to everyone. So, here’s how to handle a soft salami situation. Read more

4 Online Dating Profile Shockers That Turn Men Off

I get it. Online dating can be extremely frustrating for women. You log in, and within seconds, your inbox is flooded with the wrong kind of men. All you see are men looking for casual sex, webcam sex, or dozens of other types of sex. Where are all the “normal” down to earth are guys, actually looking for a proper relationship, rather than 5 minutes of happy time of their webcam? Read more

Let’s Talk About Sex Dreams… Sex With The Boss

Last week we explored what it REALLY means when you have a naughty dream about a co-worker, so the natural progression is that this week we cover the “sex with the boss” dream.

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Think marriage means the death of your sex life? Think again.

We’ve all heard stories about couples who once enjoyed a passionate sex life, but now spend more time wrestling over the remote than having sex. Some couples even avoid sex like they are dodging a bullet.

Maybe this has happened to you at some point. You sighed and resigned yourself to having sex once in a blue moon because that’s just what happens in long-term relationships, right?

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