My Dad’s Jokes Are Ruining My Love Life

  I finally found a young single guy who was willing to ask me a dating question!  This is just the beginning.  Mid-twenties guys are great.  Everyone wants to date them, and by everyone, I mean mid-twenties women, who are my main readers here.  Also older women, but let’s not get into the cougar dynamic right now. So, please tell all your brothers/new guys at work/mannies/absurdly hot random guys at the gym to write in with more questions so I don't lose momentum with this key demographic. Read more

3 Ways Being Dumped Can Make You Better

The end of a relationship is never easy, especially when you are the one on the "dumpee" end of the stick. It's normal to fall down a slight shame spiral, wondering what you did wrong and why nobody loves you and probably never will. While it's okay to indulge in a 48 hour Netflix, Pinkberry and self pity binge, when you come out the other side you might find that are actually much better off. Sometimes being dumped can actually make you better, so next time you see your ex, tell him thank-you. It will really freak him out. Read more

The Power Of I Love You!

  Today I want us to work through an exercise. I want us to work on an exercise in becoming love. That’s right. I want you to become love. I want you to start really experiencing love energy in its purest form. Today, just for one day, I want you to forget about your search for “the one.” Just for today, I want you to stop worrying about finding the perfect boyfriend or girlfriend. I want you to do one thing and one thing only. I want you to tell all the people in your life that you love them. Read more

What Age Should You Start Having Kids?

What's the "right" age to get pregnant for the first time?  33- according to actress Kirsten Dunst.

"I'm in baby mode because two of my really good friends are pregnant right now," Dunst, who's 33rd birthday is next April, said in a recent interview with Red magazine.  "I think 33 is a good age to have your first baby."

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Summer Fling or Real Thing?

Sparks fly when the warm weather comes around for three months. There is a specific stigma about summer flings that takes us away from the mindset of turning our summer chick into our year long lady. The sense of summer is followed by nothing short of a fresh positive perspective and, truthfully, grants us the ability to take things lighter than when the cold months drift around. The change in attitude completely alters the outlook of any relationship. It’s easy in the summer and everything fits together just right. But, how do you know if it’s just a summer fling or if this is something that could be the real thing? Here are three points that may help. Read more

What to do when your ex moves on way too quickly

Break ups suck. There’s no other way around it. It doesn’t matter if you’re the dumper or the dumpee, there’s absolutely nothing pleasant about going through a break up. There are tears shed over losing an important relationship, the crappy things you said to each other and, probably the worst reason of all, the dread of having to start the process all over again with someone new. I absolutely hate that “begin again” feeling that creeps in as soon as a relationship is over. I’m very guilty of letting way too much time pass between relationships because it takes me a long time to recover for one relationship and prep myself to be a good girlfriend in the next. That’s not the case for everyone and certainly hasn’t been the case for many of my exes. In fact, a lot of my exes have moved on super quickly, which never fails to kick up an icky round of emotions in me. But, I’ve managed to deal with exes moving on quickly and I’m here to tell you how to handle it. Read more