How to tell if you should really forgive him

Men make mistakes. I mean, we all do. But, let’s get real, men especially. Being in a relationship means that you’re going to have to forgive some mistakes, though. No one’s perfect and as long as your man apologizes and you forgive him, you two can get through anything. That’s the question though, should you forgive him? Here are some other questions to help you decide. Read more

What Do Men Really Want In Bed?

What do men really want in bed? How do you keep a man so sexually addicted to you he’ll never stray? How can you keep the passion alive in the bedroom, even after you’ve been together a while? Read more

When It’s OK To Take A Break From Dating

Does this just happen in the LA area or are networks marketing for their new fall line up like crazy everywhere right now? I’m seeing trailers, posters and billboards for the new shows on Fox, ABC, NBC and CBS everywhere and I’m getting pretty freaking excited! I’m a TV junkie and the new shows every fall are so fun! Here’s one thing that bugs me about new shows, though—single female characters seem to always announce that they’re taking a break from dating in the first season of show. That sounds so strange to me. Do people really do that? Like, just full on say that they’re single and wouldn’t open the door if love came a knockin’? It’s not realistic, right? Generally, I say never stop dating and always be on the hunt when you’re single. However, there are a few times when it’s OK to take a break from dating. Read more

Can Children Save Your Relationship?

Last week, I had a Dear David email that kind of worried me. What worried me the most about it, is that I’ve had similar emails from other women. What is it about these emails that bothered me so much? Well, they come from women who are already married or at least in some kind of long term relationship. The trouble is the relationship has hit problems. For whatever reason, the couple isn’t connecting anymore, and things look like they could collapse at any moment. So these women are now desperate to save their relationship and keep things together. These women are so desperate to turn things around that they want to know, “Will having another child save my relationship?” Read more

The Break up Manual: How To Take Care of Yourself During a Breakup

So you just broke up with your boyfriend and you’re devastated, probably eating ice cream straight out of the bin and then what? How are you supposed to cope with such an eye-opening and traumatic reality you’re now faced with? Well you know what they say, if you’re going through hell, keep going! Read more

When Is Too Soon To Move On?

Anyone else as shocked by Jennifer Lawrence moving on to dating Chris Martin just weeks after her split with longtime boyfriend Nicholas Hoult? I was downright stunned at first, mostly because I think Jennifer Lawrence is super young and needs to discover herself as a single lady before diving into another relationship. That being said, Jennifer Lawrence is very private about her romantic life, which I very much applaud. So, who knows when she actually broke up with Nicholas Hoult? It could have been weeks or even months before we found out. But, this piece of celeb gossip got me thinking about moving on and when is too soon. Here are some questions to ask yourself before you move on to a new relationship. Read more