Do You Have A Dating “Type”? If So, It Might Be Holding You Back

  By the time we enter our mid-twenties most of us have a “type.” We’ve all got a certain look we like- whether it’s the endless hunt for someone ‘tall, dark and handsome’ or your tendency to date guys with facial hair, it’s easy to find patterns in our dating history. Sometimes, our “type” isn’t limited to the physical. You might find yourself being attracted to bad boys- the kind that break your heart and don’t call but you still return their text messages months later- that’s a type. Read more

The Matchmaking Institute is Heading to London!

Big news! For the first time ever, the Matchmaking Institute is heading to Europe! We will be holding a three-day live matchmaker training event in London on October 15th - 17th, 2014.  Read more

How to help your loved one through loss

I am beyond sad at the loss of Joan Rivers. She was such a force of nature and someone I admired a ton. She did so much to impact comedy, entertainment and personal branding. She was a trailblazer and a true class act. The outpouring of love and respect for Joan online is only a fraction of what she deserves. If the world stopped spinning for a full minute, that honestly wouldn’t be enough of a tribute for this renaissance woman. My career wouldn’t be what it is today without her opening doors the way she did every second until she passed away, and I couldn’t be more grateful to her. I am in mourning over her death and it got me thinking about how you can help your loved one through a tragic loss. Going through loss as a couple can be one of the most bonding or breaking trials for a couple. Here are some tips on getting through it in as constructive way as possible. Read more

Will Your Summer Fling Make it to the Fall?

  So you've met someone at a summer BBQ, or on a girl's trip to the beach, or somewhere equally as summer-esque, and things went well. You're hoping that this summer fling of yours will last well into September, into the romantic season of changing leaves, fantasy football (heh) and chilly temps perfect for cuddling...but will it? Here is how to determine if your summer fling will make it to the fall-and beyond. Read more

Sexless Affair or Just a Friendship?

He’s someone I work with. I didn’t think much of him at first. We talked a little but mostly just went out for lunch with other coworkers. After awhile we broke off from the group and the two of us starting going out to lunch together. Then we started talking outside of work, mostly just text and email. He was a good listener and I could tell him anything. I didn’t think anything of it, he was just a friend. As a relationship coach and therapist, I regularly help couples who are dealing with issues of infidelity. The workplace is one of the top places where cheating happens, and the above scenario is one I repeatedly hear. This type of affair is the sexless affair, also known as the emotional affair. The boundaries between it and a friendship can be blurry, so how do you know the difference? Read more

Where Have All The Good Men Gone?

I understand your frustration ladies. All you want is an honest, loyal, loving, and fun guy to share your life with. We’re all here on this earth to find and share love with each other, so why does finding a good man feel like looking for a needle in a giant haystack? I must be told a dozen or more times every week that, “There are no good men out there anymore David. All men are liars and cheats. I’ll never find a decent man. All the good men are taken!” Read more