NYC Date Night: Pegu Club

Pegu Club

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The Quick Finish Face

Have you ever wondered how your favorite celebrities look great, even when they are caught by paparazzi running errands? Look no further, here are some fail proof tips and products to get the quick finish you desire. Read more

How to Know if You’re Dating A Sex Addict

So you’ve met a great new guy and things have progressed, and you think everything is great. You have what you think is a great sex life and you're certainly satisfied.  He seems like he's satisfied.  Then, you’re at his house one night and you've got to e-mail your friend, so you open up his laptop. Being a woman you can't resist to check his browser history, or maybe he left another window open.  Your mind tells you not to do this.  And lets face the facts, we're all snoops, every single one of us.  I haven't met a woman yet who’s not a snoop even though you all say you're not. It’s in your genes, its in your blood, its in your genetics. So you look and what do you find?  Oh, his porn addiction.  You confront him. You're hurt, you're angry, and you think to yourself you've never had better sex in your life. You don't understand how he can want anybody but you. When you talk to him about it all he says to you is, ‘I'm a sex addict’. Read more

5 Behaviors That Will Kill Your New Relationship

As a Matchmaker, I’ve heard it all. So, let me give you the inside scoop on the top five things that women do during the first few months of a relationship that drive men nuts, and are often deal breakers. Read more

5 Questions to Ask Before You Break Up

I received a question from a reader: Dear Anita, I’m in a 5-month relationship with my boyfriend. Things were great in the beginning but it’s been rocky the last couple of months. We’ve been arguing more and I don’t hear from him as often as I used to. I thought he was “The One” but now I’m not so sure. How do I know when to give up? Should I break up with him? Read more

Smaller-Than-Average Penis? No Problem!

It's the age old question: Does size really matter? Dr. Emily Morse is here to answer your questions about what to do if your man isn't so well endowed. It's not as bad of a situation as you might think. Read more