Dating in LA is the pits, here’s why

Talk to anyone in L.A. and they’ll tell you the dating scene is the worst. But tell that to someone outside of Los Angeles and they’ll look at you like you’re crazy.

But it’s true. Dating in this town is the pits, and since some may find the idea that you can’t meet someone in a city full of beautiful and wealthy people hard to understand, I’ll gladly explain why.

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Does Short Hair on Women Mean They Are “No Longer Trying”?

So, when I asked on my blog what men find attractive in women, one response was, “short hair, because it seems like the woman isn’t trying.” His statement sparked some debate over whether this idea is “sexist.”  Well, first of all, I am not opening debate on whether actually preferring long hair makes him sexist.  Preferences are preferences, period.  I like guys with hair, versus bald, so does that make me hairist?  No. Read more

LA Date Night: Village Idiot

Village Idiot

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Boston Date Night: Eastern Standard

Eastern Standard

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Atlanta Date Night: Startlight Drive-In Theatre

Startlight Drive-In Theatre

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Nashville Date Night: Moto Cucina Enoteca

Moto Cucina Enoteca

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