Save 50 Bucks

Girls read and write about guys that rejected them all the time! But what about the other guys? What about the guys that we rejected? Don’t they deserve a little attention?

We’ve all done this, found some guy that we were super excited about for a scant amount of time and ended up not liking him. Maybe this guy got your number at your favorite bar and you later regretting giving it to him. Maybe you went out with him once and felt no attraction. Maybe you got his name, stalked his medias and thought, “oh hell no!”. Whatever the reason, you just aren't interested.

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People always ask me, “Bruna, why are you single?”

And I’m never really sure how to answer that. I don’t get bothered by it. In fact, it’s kind of flattering. But to nip it in the bud once and for all–and to find a way to fully and honestly explain myself–I’ve decided to try and explain why I’m still single here.

Man, I really open up to you guys.

There are a lot of different factors that contribute to why I’m still on #TeamSingle:

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Compatibility Isn’t Everything: What Really Makes a Relationship Work

According to a study reviewed in Psychology Today called The Truth About Compatibility: Expert opinions on love and compatibility, and the interaction between biology and behavior (Hara Estroff Marano and Carlin Flora, 2004) examined relationships relative to compatibility and found that compatibility actually doesn’t revolve around a list of traits one has or doesn’t have, rather, compatibility is a process and something that one builds in their relationship. The study found that compatibility between a couple lies within the negotiating process within the relationship that is made up of one’s willingness to work together and both parties’ attitudes and dispositions. Read more

Never Judge A Matchmaker By Their Cover – London Training Part 2

Have an interest in starting a career as a matchmaker, but don’t think you are the right ‘type’ of person to make it work? Stop putting up boundaries and holding yourself back from a career path that might be a perfect fit! After teaching dozens of trainings over the years, I’ve learned that successful matchmakers come in many different forms. I can’t tell you the number of times I have been surprised by the success of people I thought at first seemed very out of place at my trainings. Read more

Is Your Relationship Bumpy? Good!

One of the things that I tell all of my clients who are dating is that you want to put in the work upfront so that you choose a good partner. What does this mean for a relationship? It means that the first year of your relationship may be a little bumpy, but that is a good thing! Read more

Use Your “Guy”PS

Where are all the single men? This has been the age old question since the beginning of time. I truly believe even single cave women were asking where are all the cave men.  The truth is there is no magical place all the single men of the world congregate where we can take a pilgrimage to and rescue them from their singledom.  Single women however, are EVERYWHERE. Like literally, EVERYWHERE! Go to any mall, salon, nail shop, shoe store, sidewalk and you’ll find at least fifty if that few.  Single guys on the other hand aren’t that easy to locate. Sure they go shopping for the occasional fruit of the loom shirt and get the quarterly haircut now and then, but where do they go to just…BE? Someone should seriously work on inventing a “Guy”PS to help pinpoint where the single guys are in your area and give you step by step directions to them. Read more