How To Make His Parents Like You

Has anyone been to the drugstore recently? I just went yesterday and there was already some Christmas stuff up. I was floored! I’m Christmas’s Biggest Jewish Fan (It’s an official title!) but come on, CVS! Let me at least enjoy Halloween before you start up with Christmas. One holiday at a time, please! But, seeing all that red and green got me thinking about the holidays and all the fun and stress they bring with them. So, I thought I might as well start talking about some topics that can help ease the stress of holiday time. First up is meeting the parents and how to make sure they like you. Here we go!

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Don’t Let Fear Stop You Finding Love

It’s amazing how people are so afraid of feeling vulnerable, that they’ll avoid dating completely. Every single one of us feels vulnerable at some time or another in our life. You can’t avoid it, and by avoiding getting close to anyone, you’re denying yourself the chance of ever being happy. I understand what it’s like though. You meet someone that blows your mind, and instantly all your insecurities come out. Read more

Why Are Men Scared Of Me?

I was having an interesting chat with a lady the other day. She was attractive, and had an amazing energy, but she can’t find herself a decent guy anywhere. When I asked her what her main sticking point was, she told me it was that men wouldn’t approach her. Read more

How to Live Your Best Life…and find love while you are at it!

Most people believe that we only live once, yet so often we live life in a cage of limitations and unbreakable boundaries.  Some of us go to a cubical everyday and we dread it. Others create relationships that are unhappy or are functioning on autopilot day to day, with momentary awakenings that quickly fade.  We live for the weekends and for our next vacation.  Please know that your life does NOT need to be lived this way. Read more

The Six Men to Avoid at all Costs

In dating there are times when we simply need to walk away at the first sign of a red flag. In my experience as a relationship therapist I've seen six types of men who are un-dateable -- at least for now. Watch out ladies: They could end up being a huge waste of your time and possibly even end up hurting you. Here are the the top 6 men to avoid like the plague (and why you're attracted to them!) Read more

What to do when his porn watching habit makes you feel bad

Even though you've come to accept your man watches porn, you still feel like you aren't enough for him sexually. Does his porn watching have to do with you? What can you do to help rebuild the relationship? Emily Morse is here to the rescue! Read more