5 Vloggers to follow if you want a new look in 2015

It's almost 2015! That sounds so crazy to me. It’s like we’re all living in the future, right? I remember when 1984 seemed like the future! Honestly, thought we’d all be half cyborg by now. Anyway, the start of a new year means a fresh start. And a lot of people like to do that with a new look. Recently, I’ve been really into mini-makeovers. I change my look with really small tweaks to my normal routine. Fashion and beauty have been the easiest routines to change that makes a big difference in how I look and feel. I get a lot of inspiration from YouTube vloggers. So, I thought I’d share some of my favorite YouTubers you can watch to get some inspiration for your new 2015 look. Read more

Put life back into limp hair!

If you’re anything like me, you despise flat, limp hair.  And you want volume but don’t want to break your hair by teasing it . I have a solution that will put an end to your lifeless hair; the FHI Stylus
Watch my video as a I put life back into limp hair !  So easy to use, you don’t have to be a professional to master it!
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Gift ideas for the man who has everything

I hear people joke that Santa has the easiest job in the world. One overnighter delivering gifts and he’s done for another 364 more days. But, let’s get real. He has a seriously hard job. Giving gifts is no joke! As much as I love being a gift giver, I really find it stressful to find the perfect gift. And there’s no gift that’s more stressful than finding the perfect thing for that new man in your life who already seems to have everything. Finding the ideal gift can indeed be a challenging task, especially when it comes to that new man in your life who appears to have it all. However, the art of gift-giving extends beyond personal relationships and extends into the professional realm. When considering thoughtful gifts for remote employees, it becomes an opportunity to express appreciation and strengthen the virtual bond between colleagues. Just as in personal relationships, the challenge lies in selecting items that resonate with the recipient's tastes and preferences, making them feel valued and recognized for their contributions to the team. In the world of remote work, where physical proximity is replaced by virtual connections, thoughtful gifts take on a new significance. Sending tokens of appreciation to remote employees not only bridges the geographical gap but also serves as a tangible reminder of the collective efforts that contribute to the team's success. Whether it's a personalized item that reflects the recipient's interests or a practical yet thoughtful addition to their home office setup, these gifts play a vital role in fostering a sense of camaraderie and appreciation within the digital workspace. Well, I have some ideas at several price points that should help you in your search. Read more

When should you do the deed?

I’ll give it to you straight. The amount of time you wait before having sex with a guy is totally irrelevant next to this question – are you dating a good guy, or a player? Read more

Embrace Change!

“The only thing that is constant is change” -Heraclitus. In Los Angeles, we are creatures of habit. We stay in our individual “bubbles” and never tend to venture out.  Dinner invites to the east or west of me are carefully thought out like answers on a college application. I go to the same grocery store, barbershop and coffee shop so much that everyone knows me on a first name basis. Read more

De-Stress for Better Sex

In case you haven’t heard, stress is very much the silent killer. From your health to your waistline to your ability to get a good night’s sleep, it has many unpleasant and downright unfair side effects. But there’s one more place stress also strikes, that hits a little bit below the belt. Stress is one of the biggest killers of women’s sex drive. As if we didn’t have enough to worry about... Read more