BYOV: Be Your Own Valentine!

Congratulations singles! You have made it through the couple-heavy holidays and all that’s left now is the home stretch. Hold your single self together through Valentine’s Day and you’re worry-free until Thanksgiving rolls back around. So with less than a week left to go until your official re-emergence into the social world, you’re probably looking for some new solo activites to keep yourself busy. Should you dive a little deeper into your Netflix queue? Or take up a hobby - Crocheting has always seemed relaxing right? Anything to take your mind off the candy hearts and happy couples parading down the street. Read more

3 Ways every single girl should spend her long weekend

Presidents’ Day and Valentine’s Day fall over the same weekend this year. For those who are coupled up, that means romantic long weekend trips, lazy afternoons cuddling and basically, just a full extra 24 hours to feel in love. For single girls, an extra day alone over the most romantic weekend of the year could be kinda traumatic. More time to think about being single can be really crappy. Fear not, single gals. I got you! Here’s how you should spend your love weekend. Read more

The Fastest Way To Ruin a Date – The Talker

  A friend of mine recently went out on a date. He texted me and said, “I’ve got to talk to you in private.” I picked up the phone and I gave him a call. He said, “You know how much I love to listen. You know I love to talk. You know I’m looking to make that special connection with a woman. But I just went out on a date with The Talker…Read more

Why Valentine’s Day is the Best holiday for singles

I chose this profession because I love love. I love being in love, talking about love, and helping people find love. I believe wholeheartedly that love makes people the best that they can be, and that those who are in a connected, loving relationship are more productive, balanced and more capable of making the world a positive place. Love improves our health, helps us feel understood, enhances our mood, and provides us with shared experience. Read more

Dating Dos & Don’ts

I received a question from a reader:
"Dear Anita, I’m always single. I read advice online and my friends try to help me. What advice
would you give me? I’d like to find love in 2015."
- Single in San Antonio
Read more

4 Ways To Find Love As a Single Mother

Attention all single mothers! This post is for you. Your life is not as grim as you thought it was. You can be with the type of man that you need to date. The type of man who get’s not just you, but your kids. Here are 4 ways to make sure it happens. Read more