5 Essentials for the perfect Valentine’s Day date look

Valentine’s Day is basically already upon us. If you haven’t picked out your Valentine’s Day date look, um, what have you been doing? Valentine’s Day isn’t just any other day. You can’t throw on jeans and heels and call it a night. No way! You need a special razzle dazzle look! Well, now that I’ve totally stressed you out, I’m going to help you out! Here are the essentials you need for a perfect Valentine’s Day date look. Read more

Chineseish Valentine’s Dinner

This year Valentine's Day falls within days of Chinese New Year, which I think is very auspicious for all those looking for love or embarking on a new relationship. Both events are symbolized by the colour red, which represents romance and passion. And also good luck, good fortune and longevity in Chinese custom. I love the idea that both symbolize an exciting new beginning, hope and prosperity. Isn't that what we are looking for when we are looking for love? Read more

What to do if you’re in a love triangle

Word on the street is that John Mayer and Katy Perry may be back together. Who knows if that’s true? I certainly don’t know for sure. But, I will say that it’s a scientific fact that John Mayer is the most charming man on the planet. He has a magnetism about him that no woman seems able to resist. Wish he would do some private tutoring for a few of my clients! Anyway, he infamously dated Taylor Swift and then Katy Perry. If you aren’t as into Taylor Swift’s 1989 as I am, you might not know that Taylor and Katy have some serious bad blood between them. (Also, you should definitely get into 1989. It’s such a good album!) John, Katy and Taylor have a classic love triangle going on with a lot of unresolved feelings among them all. And even though these three are megawatt celebrities, the situation is way more common than you probably think. It’s a small, small world and your love relationships and friendships are bound to overlap. If you find yourself in a love triangle situation, here’s what I think you should do. Read more

Chinese-ish Valentine’s Dinner

This year Valentine's Day falls within days of Chinese New Year, which I think is very auspicious for all those looking for love or embarking on a new relationship. Both events are symbolised by the colour red, which represents romance and passion. And also good luck, good fortune and longevity in Chinese custom. I love the idea that both symbolise an exciting new beginning, hope and prosperity. Isn't that what we are looking for when we are looking for love? Read more

The One Quality You Need for Lasting Love

Couple at sunset on the beach
Recently, an article published in Thought Catalogue called This Is How We Date Now kept popping up in my Facebook newsfeed. My friends and colleagues were sharing it like crazy! Intrigued, I clicked the link and gave it a read. I was immediately into it. This piece of writing described something that I’ve been seeing a lot of over the past few years as a matchmaker. People have stopped committing. With so many options out there readily available with the swipe of our finger, our sense of how to fall in love and keep it close has been warped. Read more

Four Ways To Avoid Becoming a Booty Call

How not to be his booty call

I received an e-mail from my buddy Andy the other day. She was casually seeing a guy for about four months. She made the mistake of sleeping with him the first time they went out.

Let me clarify, this isn’t a general mistake. There's no correlation between when a couple consummates a relationship and how long they stay together.

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