Foreplay All Day

Dear Emily, Lately I have found myself not that interested in sex, and I think I know why. My long-time boyfriend and I have very busy schedules, and we don't have as much time as we used to in the bedroom. As a result, all of our sex sessions end up being what you might call “quickies”. He is totally happy to get in, get out and move on to the next thing, but these interactions just aren't satisfying for me. So now when he brings up the idea of sex, I make excuses or try to get out of it. I've tried explaining my feelings to him, but he just doesn't get it. He thinks that I'm not interested in him sexually, but that’s not the case - I just feel like I need more! Am I being totally unreasonable? What can we do to make sex enjoyable again, for both of us? Sincerely, Sick of Quickies Read more

The One Thing You Need To Know To Find Love In 2015

  Starting 2015 off single? Don’t worry, you are not alone! Now is the perfect time to reflect on your past relationships, and determine what you are looking for in your next partner. It is also the perfect time of year to take this next piece of advice into consideration. I promise if you do, it will make all the difference in your love life. Read more

Daily horoscopes: March 11, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

A power struggle reaches the breaking point. There’s no turning back so you have to move ahead with what you want.


(April 20 - May 20):

Things are down to the wire which is why you need to keep your nerve. Expect big to-dos between now and the 16th. Read more

5 Reasons Why Girls Can’t Resist a Bad Boy

How to know if your bad boy is boyfriend material
It hit us the other day that we love bad boys. We came to this realization while watching an episode of the OC, while we were missing our high school days and feeling nostalgic. We always were Ryan Atwood fans, whereas all our high school friends, dressed in their catholic school girl uniforms, prefered the straight laced and quirky Seth Cohen. The reality of our obsession sunk in as we switched from the OC to “Walk the Line” and started instantly swooning over the conflicted bad boy Johnny Cash. We just love him. Upon further discovery, we realized that in the TV and movie world, we almost always instantly fall for the bad boy. We know that we are not alone. Read more

Daily horoscopes: March 10, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

You finally succeed at a hard fought effort.  Part of you will miss the adventure, but don’t worry because there’s another quest right behind this one.


(April 20 - May 20):

You finally win favor with that person you’ve been hoping to impress.  Unfortunately you also attract a rival’s resentment.  Be prepared. Read more

Four Love Lessons from The Bachelor

Dating tips for women
I know, I know…some of you are rolling your eyes at the title of my blog. Seriously, what can The Bachelor teach us about love? When the first season aired in 2002, I too thought, What are these women thinking? Where’s their self-respect? But when I watched this season’s episodes, I had a different take on the show. It’s not because it’s any different now than 13 years ago, but because I’m different. In 2002 I was still in college. Now, I’m a dating and relationship coach who has spent the last several years specializing in love and researching what makes relationships work. It’s been my job to help my clients figure out why they act like they do when it comes to love. Are people truly crazy and irrational, or can behaviors actually make sense? In the context of love and our need to connect with a person, the bachelorettes’ behaviors seem pretty reasonable. Here are 4 lessons from The Bachelor that can be applied to your love life: Read more