Daily horoscopes: March 25, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

You've asked for a lot of leeway lately. Are you ready to give back in kind? This may prove more difficult than you think.


(April 20 - May 20):

Do the best job you can and leave it be. That way you know at least one person who will be satisfied with the result. Read more

Daily horoscopes: March 24, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

Your position is justified, but you may want to yield anyway. You have to scratch someone’s back if you want someone to scratch yours.


(April 20 - May 20):

What’s the point of a safety net if you never scale the highest heights? Follow your ambitions rather than your anxieties. Read more

4 Ways to Stop Turning Off Great Men

The other day I was at Cairo Healthcare and there was a cute girl working the desk there. We talked about our kids, her annoying pet dog, and our jobs when I noticed she had a sore throat. When I tried to ask her about it she said, “No, no, my kid's sick.” I was skeptical because her voice was rattling and she was straining to speak. I hope your kid’s feeling better. Are you sure you didn’t catch it? Read more

Daily horoscopes: March 23, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

Don't be afraid to dip into rainy day funds if it keeps you debt-free. You worked too hard to pay down those cards and loans. You don’t want to backslide now.


(April 20 - May 20):

Keep in mind this simple rule to trade-offs. If they’re not getting you closer to what you want then you’re trading down and not trading up. Read more

Battling Your Inner Mean Girl

I'd like to have enough faith in my fellow ladies to say that most of us are not "mean girls". However, we all definitely have our mean girl moments. A perfect example would be when a "b list" friend wears a horrible outfit out at the bar.. as soon as she walks away you and your girlfriends rant and rave with "what was she thinking?!" "that shirt is horrible" "you couldn't pay me to wear that in public". We've all done it. Read more

Arrington Vineyards

Growing tired of the traditional dinner date scene? Us too! We suggest whipping out your favorite plaid blanket and picnic basket! The spring weather creates the perfect atmosphere to enjoy Music in the Vines hosted at Arrington Vineyards. Read more