Daily horoscopes: April 1, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

A rivalry exists only in your head. Rein in the provocative remarks and avoid creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.


(April 20 - May 20):

Plans are put on hold, but don’t freak out. If things don’t work out with one party, they will with another. Read more

Good Friends, Terrible Dating Advice

Why you should be careful taking guy advice from your girlfriends

There are certain things you can always count on from your girlfriends: You know that no matter what outfit you’re putting together, they will have the shoes to match that top. They understand the healing power of a latte. If you need feminine supplies, they will not rest until the correct product is slipped discreetly into your hand. And most importantly, if you are experiencing relationship troubles, they will be there at the drop of a hat to listen, analyze and give advice. Even it is three in the morning and you’re freaking out over a mixed text message, you know that all you need to do is put out the bat signal and they will materialize, wine in hand, to help you sort through the mess. Read more

Daily horoscopes: March 31, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

Finances are on an upswing. But your fortunes are tied to the fortunes of others. Honor commitments and this will be a prosperous time.


(April 20 - May 20):

Mars enters Taurus. You could use a shot of adrenaline. The planet of gumption and drive adds muscle to current proceedings. Read more

Adele’s in Nashville

Nashville is fortunate enough to be home to a Jonathan Waxman culinary creation, Adele's. As much as we love its urban romantic vibe as a dinner spot, why not use it as a venue to extend your Friday night date to a brunch? Start out with an organic house coffee and gourmet coffee cake while you browse the menus! For brunching, Adele's has a full cocktail menu; the Bloody Mary is absolute perfection and is highly recommended by us Ambrose's! The JW Chicken is a signature dish of Chef Waxman, however we are huge fans of the Pizzette and JW Potatoes. Kick back and relax for a long brunch date outfitted with red table and chairs, white strung lights and a beautiful patio. It's truly one of our favorite spots!

Five Things You Should Do Now to Look Your Best This Bikini Season

Bikini Season. Two words that many women dread hearing after a long winter. This time of year, I see many patients concerned about how they can get their bodies to look their best for bikini season. While there is no magic “one-size-fits-all” approach, there are steps most women can take to help improve and rejuvenate their shape. Read more

3 Reasons Why Lunch is The Perfect First Date

The other day, a client called me up and said, “I just don't get women.” He met this woman at a supermarket. It was obvious they were both interested. They exchanged numbers and he promised to call her the following day. It was a typical phone call. An awkward 15 minutes, not knowing each other well enough to steer the conversation. They agreed on lunch the following week. She wasn’t sure of her schedule so he said he’d text her and she could pick the date. Read more