Daily horoscopes: April 3, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

Stop working so hard to make people happy. Mercury opposite the Moon in Libra is all about reverse psychology. Be more standoffish and they’ll come to you.


(April 20 - May 20):

A client or customer will beat around the bush all day if you let him. Turn the conversation to hypotheticals and this person will divulge all. Read more

Daily horoscopes: April 2, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

You tend to shy away from exploring anything different, but don’t lose heart. You should expand your horizons. You’re capable of so much more.


(April 20 - May 20):

All it takes is a glimpse of the way things could be and you know what to do. Hold on to that vision. It will guide and sustain you in the weeks to come. Read more

Date Makeup According to Science

Use Your Eyes:

Eyes are historically known as the most magnetic part of one's personality. Large eyes signal high fertility from a biological perspective and this may explain why study after study shows that women with larger eyes are seen as more attractive. This is why batting the eyelashes has been used for centuries to get attention as well as make the eyes stand out. Read more

A Key Tool For First Date Success

A hugely important aspect of my job as matchmaker is to coach my clients on their dating techniques so that they are set up for ultimate dating success! I have a whole arsenal of tips that I give to clients, but lately I have been insisting that all of the singles that I match do something a little out of the box. Read more

What Posting ‘In A Relationship’ On Facebook Says About You: The 4 Things You Need to Know

Facebook is the ultimate breeding ground for narcissistic behavior. Think about status updates. You’re telling people every little thing that’s happened throughout your day. Read more

3 BIG Reasons You Need to Stop Comparing

“Oh thats nice, her boyfriend surprised her with a trip to Hawaii for her birthday, mine bought me a necklace that I emailed him the day before”. Girls use comparisons all the time, especially when it comes to other girls, and especially when it comes to our relationships. If our girlfriends have a "better" experience or date, we let comparisons take away from what we have. It's an immature thought process that creates a stigma in our minds that the amount of love, date nights, and affection in the world is limited, and we are missing out somehow. Obviously, this alternate version of reality is not healthy for your or your relationship and here three big reasons why. Read more