Daily horoscopes: April 21, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

Don’t ask for permission to lead - just step into the breach. Answer the call to arms and the support will be there when you need it.


(April 20 - May 20):

Think big and don’t worry about the logistics. Ambition and audacity are the keys to progress today. Read more

5 Amazing date dresses on sale right now

If you know me, you know the only thing I love more than watching my clients fall in love is a good deal. I clip coupons, stalk sale racks and obsess over finding the perfect happy hour. Knowing that I got something a little cheaper makes it all the sweeter for me. And that obviously goes for clothing. I was looking for some new clothes online (I live and die by online shopping) and found some amazing dresses that would be perfect for dates in the sale sections of some of my favorite stores. Since I'm not in the market for dresses right now (I'm on a shoe binge!), I thought I'd pass on the finds to my favorite people on the internet, you ladies! Enjoy! Read more

5 Reasons Why Women Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Ask For Sex

Ladies, it constantly astounds me how many of you don't think you're attractive enough or confident enough to ask a guy for sex. The way some of you go about it you think you have to be Gisele Bundchen to have the courage tell a guy you want to sleep with him. I'm here to shatter this pre-conceived notion. Read more

Caffe Nonna in Nashville

Growing up in Cleveland, Ohio we frequented "Little Italy", a neighborhood comprised of only authentic, straight off the boat, Italian restaurants and cuisine. This has made us complete Italian food snobs. Honestly, one of the hardest parts about leaving Ohio for Nashville was the fear of not finding an Italian spot that measures up! Read more

Daily horoscopes: April 20, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

There’s a lot of guilt tripping going on. Nevertheless you’re resolved to break through the emotional morass. Tell people no pain no gain.


(April 20 - May 20):

Don’t blame circumstances. Review your formula for success instead. You’ll find something that – with just a little alteration – can do more for you. Read more

Are We The Opposite of Hopeless Romantics?

Raise your hand if you've ever been majorly screwed over, treated like dirt, cheated on, mind F**ed by a guy, or all the above! Our bet is that every girl in the world would raise their hand with the exception of the girls who remain with their high school sweethearts for life. Regardless, we all know (guys and girls alike!) what its like to feel betrayed and hurt by someone you gave your heart to. We are no strangers to this. At 26 years old and having been single yet actively "dating" through most of our young adulthood, we are familiar with the hurt feelings, the unanswered calls, and feeling inadequate. Read more