Daily horoscopes: April 17, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

The Mars/Jupiter square gets you to take the big plunge. You may ask what possessed you, but 5 ½ weeks from now you’ll know the reason why.


(April 20 - May 20):

Your sensible side says pull out, but your heart says to stay put. Side with your heart because it knows better. Read more

Single girls, the one thing you should be doing that you’re probably not

Like all human women, I'm a massive fan of Madonna. She is everything! Well, almost everything. She recently proved that she's not a great comedian. Did you catch her stand up on The Tonight Show? It was no bueno. Check it out. Woof, right? But, guess what? Read more

When your date’s lips are moving… Listen!

We all get excited by the prospect of a new connection when we are freshly showered, smelling fantastic, looking good heading out to yet another date. As our hopeful butts hit the bar stool most of us are ill prepared for what comes next... why? Simply speaking, we didn't take the time to identify what I call Delicious Dating Data, a personal exercise of which you create your own criteria for dating. Read more

Bakersfield Tacos in Nashville

Our love for tacos goes back as far as we can remember. Don't even get us started on guacamole. Insert hearts for eyes emoji here! What makes a better date than guac, tacos, and margs? As it turns out, our love for Bakersfield Tacos began before we were Nashville residents, AND before Bakersfield came to Nashville. Our first experience was at the Columbus location where we quickly learned the guacamole is delicious and you could fill up on that alone. Additionally, as repeat customers we have tried everything on the menu including what they are best known for, their tacos, Duh! The short rib is a menu favorite by far! Read more

Daily horoscopes: April 16, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

The time is ripe for something new. Act in accordance with this cosmic impulse and people will follow your lead.


(April 20 - May 20):

Avoid getting roped into colleagues’ battles at work. This isn’t your grievance. Read more

A Woman’s Favorite Game – Sherlock Holmes

Today, I'm going to tell you something that is either going to make you laugh, cry, or want to pass all of this information onto your friends because you know this is what you do on a regular basis. Sherlock Holmes, as all of you remember, was a man. Read more