Daily horoscopes: April 28, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

How can you tell if you believe in what you do? If you wake up feeling jazzed then you believe. If you wake up dreading the day then you don’t.


(April 20 - May 20):

Today you learn that that penalty will be reduced. Breathe a sigh of relief and thank your lucky stars! Read more

The Southern in Nashville

Steak + Oysters, can we get a hell yes?! Our love affair with The Southern began on our first trip to Nashville to pick out an apartment. Years later, it remains as one of our absolute favorite spots in town. Just a quick block away from Broadway, it is a great place for a date before hitting up your favorite honky tonks! The Southern is one of those rare places where the food is insanely delicious, but it is still fun to go just for a drink (the sangria is delish!). Read more

3 Date ideas that can save the world

Have you ever heard the expression "Doing well by doing good?" It's a phrase that's attributed to Benjamin Franklin and means that a company or person can succeed by doing the right things, not just for their personal gain, but for the community. I've recently heard the phrase flipped to "Doing good by doing well." That means that the right thing to do for the greater good of the community is to do well for yourself. And while I'm going to tell you which philosophy you should believe in a macro sense, I am going to tell you that you can do good by doing well when it comes to planning your dates! You can plan great dates that will bring you closer with your partner that will do good for the planet, too! Here are three! Read more

What ‘The Gambler’ Can Teach You About Men

"You got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them. Know when to walk away, know when to run." -Kenny Rogers. Do you remember Kenny Rogers... when he had a chicken restaurant? Read more

Daily horoscopes: April 27, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

You had to choose one person over the other, but don’t ignore the also-ran. Take him aside and tell him how much you value him. You two will meet again.


(April 20 - May 20):

Today you gain in one area, only to lose in another. Thankfully the plus outweighs the minus. Read more

3 Unlikely Places to Get Dating Inspiration

Dating can get a little boring. We go to the same people for the same advice. We watch the same relationships over and over again, especially now that Friends is on Netflix. (Seriously, though, Ross and Rachel... I'll never not ship them.) You probably even hang out with the same couples night after night and week after week. It can feel like nothing is really inspiring you in the realm of dating. So, I've decided to find three very unlikely places you can get dating inspiration from that will hopefully break up some of the boredom. Read more