How to deal when your mom won’t butt out of your love life

You won’t believe how often I hear the sentence, “Ugh, you won’t believe what my mother just did!” followed by a massive eye roll. All the time! And you might think that I’m spending a large amount of time with teen girls. But, I’m not. I’m hearing this complaint and seeing those ginormous eye rolls from fully grown women. Mother interference is something most women never outgrow. Fortunately, my mother has always respected all boundaries I set up, which kind of makes her the unicorn of Jewish mothers. Read more

Daily horoscopes: June 15, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

You may have underestimated an associate at work. It’s not too late to make amends. From the ashes springs a worthy friendship.


(April 20 - May 20):

You’ve been so focused on people receiving their fair share that you overlooked yourself. Make sure you get a piece of the pie. Read more

My husband is a slob. Help!

Most men are gross. That’s a fact. (Sorry, dudes. But you are. This will go a lot easier if you just admit it.) We’ve all dated guys who don’t ever wash their showers or don’t keep soap by the sink in the bathroom or only change their sheets when their mother comes to visit. And it’s kind of endearing at first in a quirky way. But, when that guy stops being your boyfriend and starts being your husband and now you’re living with a guy who doesn’t clean, it’s a whole lot less endearing. It goes from quirky to vomit-astic. Here’s how to deal with it. Read more

Daily horoscopes: June 12, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

Don’t be too quick to follow friends’ advice. They mean well, but are too invested in maintaining the status quo to help you with new developments.


(April 20 - May 20):

The longer something eludes you, the more resolute you become. Let others’ qualms go in one ear and out the next. You need to keep your eyes on the prize. Read more

How to Let Go of The Past And Breathe Into The Future

So you've been hurt before and someone you deeply loved has let you down. You find yourself guarded after your last relationship and still a bit in denial. Where do you go from here? Your intuition is telling you to be cautious about who you let into your future, which has its benefits such as helping you weave out any bad apples that come your way. However, it can also hinder your personal growth. Read more

Daily horoscopes: June 11, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

A co-worker realizes he was wrong to cross you and wants to make amends. Accept his apology. It’s always stronger to forgive.


(April 20 - May 20):

You’re pleased to learn the other party will drop its complaint. But don’t celebrate yet. They could still get you on a technicality. Lasts until June 27. Read more