Daily horoscopes: March 16, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

You’re standing at a crossroads, but if you take the best that both choices have to offer then you can turn it into the life path for you.


(April 20 - May 20):

Weren’t you on the look out for greener pastures? Well, they’re calling to you now. It’s time to broaden your horizons. Read more

First vacation: Where to go on your first vacation as a couple

Where should you go on your first vacation as a couple? With the winter temps in most of the country dropping to fuh-reezing and it even getting a bit chilly in LA (I had to use my heat last night! That’s a big deal in Southern Cali), I’m assuming just about everyone out there is planning to get away. There’s been enough time since the holidays to need another break and we’re months out from another three-day holiday. So, I totally understand why everyone’s itching to get out of town. Read more

Daily horoscopes: March 15, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

Be open to a change in plans. You could find something more worthwhile than what you originally set out to achieve.


(April 20 - May 20):

Did you turn left when you should have gone right regarding a financial decision? Thankfully it’s not too late to backtrack if you need to. Read more

Daily horoscopes: March 14, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

You have the upper hand in a conflict, so be nice. Your magnanimity persuades losing parties to yield without a fight.


(April 20 - May 20):

Fuses are short, tempers explosive, and everyone wears their hearts on their sleeves. Nevertheless today’s Venus/Mars square can be very romantic if you want it to be. Read more

Daily horoscopes: March 11, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

Let rivals pull their behind-the-scenes shenanigans. Your best response is to be upfront. The more candid you are, the more questionable their actions appear.


(April 20 - May 20):

You need to turn a no into a yes. Tickle a naysayer’s fancy by playing to his ego and he’ll soon be putty in your hands. Read more

Ambitious man: What to do if your man isn’t ambitious

Do you have an ambitious man? Ambition is a tricky thing. Too much of it can make someone not only difficult to partner with romantically, but difficult to be around in general. And too little of it, well, can do the same exact thing. You need the perfect Goldilocks amount of ambition for a person to feel right. When you’re first dating something, it's easy to ignore the ambition quotient. You’re getting charmed by their humor, dazzled by their looks and swept up in the romance of new love. Read more