Daily horoscopes: February 1, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

Drawing a line in the sand doesn’t mean you refuse to negotiate. Nevertheless you’ll need to make some leading suggestions so that the other party gets the hint.


(April 20 - May 20):

The last thing you want to do is refuse to budge. Stay amenable and terms will improve over the next few days. Read more

Daily horoscopes: January 29, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

Stop trying to prove yourself to people who know what you can do. You need to master your situation, not pander to it.


(April 20 - May 20):

Don’t waste your breath reasoning with a dimwit at work. The lights may be on but it’s clear that nobody’s home. Read more

What happens if you don’t get married

My big goal when working with most of my clients is to get them happily married. I have a very high success rate and spend a lot of Saturday nights dancing at my clients’ weddings. It’s really fun! That being said, marriage isn’t in the cards for everyone. Or, it isn’t in the cards right now for everyone. I’m 54 years old and I’ve never been married. I know my soul mate man is out there and I’m learning a lot of lessons on my journey to meet him. But, until then, I’m single and unmarried and actually very, very happy. So, I wanted to write Read more

Daily horoscopes: January 28, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

Sometimes you’ve no choice but to bend the rules to ensure things go well. Just make sure to straighten them out again when you’re done.


(April 20 - May 20):

A pledge near the breaking point can still be saved. Both sides need to be more accommodating. Set the tone by volunteering something you can live without. Read more

Daily horoscopes: January 27, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

Things are moving along nicely at work - perhaps too nicely. But before getting suspicious, remember that it’s been a while since work has been this organized.


(April 20 - May 20):

Your idea of what someone wants is way off the mark from this person’s intent. His expectations are far more modest than you make them out to be. Read more

How a psychic can help your (and my) love life

I’m open to any and all help in the love department. Even as a love expert myself, I need to seek counsel on my own life. Some people may say that’s a sign of weakness or that asking other experts for help means that I’m not good at my job. To those haters, I say get a life! Doctors have to go to other doctors for medical treatments. Therapists talks to other therapists when they need help. Being an expert doesn’t mean that you’re perfect. I’ve never met a respected expert who thinks they’re flawless. And I certainly don’t. Anyway, I recently talked to my psychic therapist, Tara Sutphen. She had some fantastic Read more