Three Ways To Deal With An Annoying Ex

How many of you have an ex that drives you nuts? The beauty of an ex, when you don't have children, is that you can walk away clean. For those of you who are dealing with exes and you don't share kids, you're out of your mind. You don’t have to deal with them anymore. I am about to reveal to you three ways to deal with an ex. Read more

Daily horoscopes: July 28, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

Make time for something you claim you have no time for. The sooner you take care of it, the better because procrastination costs.


(April 20 - May 20):

That sticking point in a negotiation is stickier than it seems. Ask yourself if it’s a deal breaker. If you can live without it, do so. Read more

Why breaking up with a friend is harder than breaking up with a lover

Friendships are complicated and layered. I’d say they might even be more complex than a romantic relationship. Of course, when things are going well, friendships add so much to your life. Friends understand you, support you, celebrate you and value you. Even if you’re with the most amazing romantic partner in the world, sometimes there are things only a friend can help you with. But, the end of friendships can be terrible and bitter. And I’ve been thinking about why that is. Here’s what I’ve come up with on breaking up. Read more

Daily horoscopes: July 27, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

Clawing your way to the top of the ladder isn’t the only avenue of success. Make yourself the best at what you do and you make yourself indispensable. No one will be able to knock you off your perch.


(April 20 - May 20):

Did you pressure someone into making a decision before he was ready? It’s never too late to backtrack. Offer him a way out now and he may choose to go with you later. Read more

Grooming for Men: The Musts

Welcome to the Sex and the Summer Series! If you’re just reading, be sure to check out Part I where I shared honest, simple grooming tips for women this summer. Take a peek . Now it’s time for the men. Read more

Daily horoscopes: July 26, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

You may think you’ve seen it all before, but guess what? Certain things have changed and you risk missing out on a hidden opportunity if you don’t reexamine matters.


(April 20 - May 20):

Your goodwill gesture makes a positive impression. The change in a higher-up’s opinion will benefit you. Read more