What a jewelry gift from a millionaire man says about your relationship

In the world of meaningful and romantic gifts, few things compare to the allure of jewelry, a timeless gesture that often speaks volumes about the emotions behind the gift. While the sparkle and elegance of jewelry make it a special treat, the personal touch of a unique piece can elevate the sentiment even further. For those seeking to go beyond conventional gifts, especially with Valentine's Day around the corner, delve into the realm of personalized gifts available on the Giftlab website. Find the perfect expression of your affection with personalized valentine's day gifts that not only sparkle but also bear the mark of thoughtfulness and individuality. Gifts of jewelry are obviously always a special treat. There’s something very romantic and touching about a man going to a jewelry store alone and trying to find the perfect thing to make you smile. And there’s a lot of meaning in a jewelry gift. This is especially true when you’re dating a millionaire, like most of my clients. Jewelry from a millionaire can say a lot about his feelings towards you and your relationship. Here are some hints about what your millionaire man might be thinking based on the jewels he’s gifting you. Read more

Daily horoscopes: August 9, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

Sometimes all it takes is for a couple of people to believe in you and the ripple effect spreads from there. But you have to believe in yourself first.


(April 20 - May 20):

A deal is looking iffier with each passing day. Consider backpedaling or at least postponing. You should know what’s what by the 29th. Read more

The Crazy World Of Dating On Tinder

A friend of mine sent me this great statement the other day: “If you lack integrity, you're dating on Tinder.” For those of you who are stuck in a bubble or you're an alien and you don't know what Tinder is, let me explain. Tinder's a dating app; an app that allows you to look at pictures and read profiles. There's almost zero integrity on Tinder; everybody's got an angle that they're working. Read more

Daily horoscopes: August 8, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

You can’t meet people half way if you’re the only one yielding ground. Tell them that it’s got to be a mutual sacrifice or forget it.


(April 20 - May 20):

Don’t be so quick to tie things up in a nice neat package. There’s a reason why a loose end is a loose end. Leave it dangling. Read more

How to tell if he doesn’t want a second date

If you read this site enough, you’ll know that I’m basically obsessed with open and honest communication when it comes to relationships. To make it work with a partner, you need to talk about everything. And I really mean everything. The good, the bad, and the ugly! And place special emphasis on talking about those last two—the bad and the ugly. Because that’s when communication is really important. All of that is true for relationships, but the communication stuff doesn’t really hold water when it comes to dating. In a first date scenario, there is no communication. Read more

Daily horoscopes: August 5, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

Something’s up. The more you pursue a matter, the more evasive others become. Collar a colleague out of earshot and press for answers.


(April 20 - May 20):

Accenting the positive isn’t just hokey advice. It serves a very real purpose - especially if you’re depending on others for help. Read more