Daily horoscopes: September 27, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

This is an ambitious time with Mars entering Capricorn tomorrow. Authority figures are helpful-- if you don’t boss them around.


(April 20 - May 20):

Ask for advice when you’re ready to hear it. Intimates are tired of talking about the way you take issue with the way they say something rather than the problem itself. Read more

Daily horoscopes: September 26, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

You’re about to enter an intense time. Give loved ones and friends the heads up as to the lack of your availability.


(April 20 - May 20):

Certain points of contention simply won’t go away on their own. Fight for what’s right. Read more

How to get a millionaire to fall for you… by this fall

Cannot believe it’s August already! That means back to school for a lot of the country. And even though the temperatures in California are not indicating any sign of autumn, fall is quickly approaching! And I feel like I say this at the turn of every season, but autumn might be my favorite time of the year, especially if I can sneak in a trip to the East Coast. And it’s definitely my favorite time of year when I’m in love! Fall can be such a romantic season. If you’re gunning to be in love by fall, why not set your sights on nabbing a millionaire? Read more

Daily horoscopes: September 23, 2016


(March 19 - April 18):

It’s tempting to slow down now that the finish line is in sight. Don’t. Pour on the speed!


(April 19 - May 19):

Everyone comes with a certain amount of emotional baggage, but you need to decide if his is carry-on or if it should be checked at the gate.


(May 20 - June 19):

If someone tells you that he’s a mess and that you’d be better off without him then it’s a good idea to listen to him. Read more

Daily horoscopes: September 22, 2016


(March 19 - April 18):

It’s hard to think of a pain-in-the-derriere as an asset, but this person’s mess ups make you look good. Don’t be so quick to part company.


(April 19 - May 19):

Facts remain elusive as people change their stories. Remember the onus is on them to come clean. All you need to do is wait and listen. Read more

Daily horoscopes: September 21, 2016


(March 19 - April 18):

Work feels like it’s reached a low point, but in truth you’re revamping the way you go about things. Be open to advice on how to improve.


(April 19 - May 19):

Check the fine print before you sign on the line that’s dotted. Subtle changes in wording were introduced when you weren’t looking. Read more