What to do if he doesn’t appreciate you enough

It’s all about having an attitude of gratitude. Seriously, that’s the big secret to a happy and fulfilling life. All you need to do is be grateful for what you have and you’ll be living a wonderful life. Of course, that’s easier said than done. And it really gets tough if you feel like your man isn’t viewing your relationship with an attitude of gratitude. So many women I talk to complain about this. They don’t feel appreciated by their man and it bums them out. I don’t blame them. I feel so crummy when I’m in a relationship like that. So, I noodled up some pointers to help you get through this craptastic feeling and hopefully move to a place where you feel valued in your relationship. Read more

Daily horoscopes: December 9, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

You resisted the allure of greener pastures, but a Sagittarian Sun amplifies restlessness. Check out the grass on the other side of the fence.


(April 20 - May 20):

Things come together, but not as you expect.  Allow room for twists and happenstance and you’ll be pleased with the end result. Read more

Daily horoscopes: December 8, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

Review that email before sending. The incendiary Moon/Mercury square shows that you may be pouring gasoline on the fire. Press “delete” instead.


(April 20 - May 20):

Don’t mistake a “maybe” for a no or you’ll miss a golden opportunity.  This person is signaling.  It’s Round One in an unfolding courtship. Read more

Daily horoscopes: December 7, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

Just when you’re ready to close the book on a relationship, it shows promise. Giving someone a second chance isn’t so bad after all.


(April 20 - May 20):

Sometimes first impressions should give way to second or even third ones.  Revisit an assumption that no longer holds true.  You misjudged. Read more

How to be a good partner during disappointment

I’m disappointed by the Presidential election outcome. Still. Honestly, disappointment is one of many emotions I’ve been having, but it’s a big one. And I think I will be for a long while. Of course, I’ll give Trump a chance to lead and sincerely hope he does a good job. I love this country more than I love or loathe any politician. This ongoing feeling of being so disheartened got me to thinking about how being sad over an event like this can impact a relationship. So, I wanted to talk about how to support your partner when they’re feeling upset and letdown. This doesn’t only apply during elections. Your partner can be disappointed due to losing a job, getting into a family argument or even sports. Emotional times like this are when partners need to step up. Here’s how you can be a good partner during disappointment. Read more

Daily horoscopes: December 6, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

Careful with how you word things today because something that’s important to your message could get lost in translation.


(April 20 - May 20):

Don’t assume you’re on the same page. You may be papering over the cracks of a united front that isn’t so united. Read more