Daily horoscopes: December 21, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

The Sun enters the most public angle of your chart.  For the next month you’ll feel like you have to prove yourself.  Remember that you already have.


(April 20 - May 20):

Set your sights on the future.  Obviously you need to be conservative in your estimates of what you can do, but that shouldn’t stop you from painting on a larger canvas. Read more

How to deal with the question “Why are you still single?”

I’d love to say that the annoying question “Why are you still single?” comes up only on holidays, but every single girl out there knows that’s not the case. This inane question pops its ugly head out all the time. Family events. Friend gatherings. Business dinners. Even first dates. Why, oh, why would someone want to make you feel like shit about being single on a first date? He got to go out with you because you’re single! Sheesh! Anyway, the big question (after you get asked the annoying question) is how to deal with it? Well, I have some tips. Read more

Daily horoscopes: December 20, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

You know your supervisor will say no, so turn to his assistant instead.  This person can get you the results you want and without the fuss.


(April 20 - May 20):

It’s a relief to discover that an employer truly values you.  Next time don’t wait so long to clear the air. Read more

Daily horoscopes: December 19, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

Don’t let someone’s ambivalence make you hesitate.  Continue gently nudging this person in the direction you want him/her to go.  You’ll prevail.


(April 20 - May 20):

A judgment isn’t to your liking, but you’re better off accepting it than pushing for more.  It’s time to get on with things that matter. Read more

How to tell if your new guy is getting you a holiday gift

Congrats! You recently started dating someone who seems pretty great. That’s a truly wonderful thing. The pre-holiday timing could be a stressor, though. I know it would be for me. When the holidays hit in the first few weeks or months of a relationship, it can be tough to figure out how exactly to handle the gift giving aspect of those events. You two probably haven’t even had the exclusivity talk yet, so are you at a gift giving level? Would a gift from you scare him off? Would not getting him a gift make him feel unappreciated? Here’s how to tell if he’s planning on buying you a gift so you know if you should get him one. Read more

Daily horoscopes: December 16, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

A boss or manager starts rattling your cage again. Show this person that you’ve risen above it by refusing to respond. S/he will move on.


(April 20 - May 20):

Your first reaction is to ignore a troublemaker, but this person can be very persistent. Make time to deal with him now. Read more