Daily horoscopes: February 13, 2017


(March 20 - April 19):

You won’t get what you want on the first try or even the second. However this does a lot to improve your reach so that when you finally grasp it (March 20), you’ll hold on to it.


(April 20 - May 20):

Ask a grumpy type out for coffee. Your goodwill gesture goes a long way towards bridging differences. Read more

What to get a millionaire man for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day gifts are tough to buy in general because they need to represent so much... or so little, depending on where you are in a relationship. And then, buying gifts for men is tough in general. If you’re going with traditional “manly” stuff, men just don’t have a lot of fun options. Layer on top of buying a gift for a millionaire man, who can and probably does, buy himself anything he wants, and you’ve got a seriously difficult gift to buy. A Valentine’s Day gift for a millionaire man might just be the hardest gift to find ever. Well, I’m here to help you with a few options. Read more

Daily horoscopes: February 10, 2017


(March 20 - April 19):

You’re surprised to hear back so soon given the complicated decision-making process. Nevertheless the answer is final.


(April 20 - May 20):

You were told one thing and now you’re being told something else. But don’t freeze like a deer caught in the headlights. Reinvention is the key to survival. Read more

5 Mantras every single girl needs to memorize before Valentine’s Day

I’m a deeply spiritual person. I’ve embraced a lot of what Eastern philosophies can teach us and have found happiness and peace through it. I know this type of spiritual practice isn’t for everyone, though. And I would never try to push that stuff on all of you. But, I would ask you to be open to mantras. Mantras don’t have to be spiritual or religious. They’re just a word, phrase or sound that you repeat. Originally, they were meant to help people concentrate during meditation. I do find them helpful for that. But, they’re not just for meditators. I find them helpful for general life outlook stuff too. Think of mantras like practicing a sport. The more you practice your layup (that’s a sports thing, right? Honestly, I have no idea!), the better you get at doing layups (layupping? Still, no idea!). The more you think a positive thought, the better you’ll get at thinking that thought. Read more

Daily horoscopes: February 9, 2017


(March 20 - April 19):

There was a time when you would have sacrificed comfort for the sake of speed and getting ahead, but times are changing. And you’ll be the happier for it.


(April 20 - May 20):

It ain’t over till it’s over. Decisions made in the morning could be reversed by afternoon and then again come evening. Limber up. Read more

How to drop Valentine’s Day gift hints to your millionaire

The winter holidays are over and Valentine’s Day is basically right around the corner. The holidays don’t stop this time of year! And that means that gifting doesn’t stop. Your fellow just went through this thinking, finding, and giving process with your holiday gift. My guess is that he’s a little exhausted in the creative present department. Give the guy some help and point him in the right direction with a few hints. I’ve laid out several ways to almost subtly suggest some gift ideas for a millionaire man, but you could use these tips with just about any guy. Read more