The Key To A Great Relationship: Two Things You Need To Know

The other night, a friend of mine who was dating a new woman, called me up and said, “David. She called me out.” I said to him, “What do you mean, she called you out?” “Oh, you know, we've only been dating a couple of weeks. We really like each other, and I kind of wasn't present for her. She called me out.“ I told him this girl is a keeper. He looked at me and said Read more

Daily horoscopes: March 1, 2017


(March 20 - April 19):

Your single-minded focus is sorely needed now. People are so concerned with covering their backsides that nothing’s getting done. Relentlessly pursue what needs to be pursued.


(April 20 - May 20):

Although you started out on opposite sides, you and a certain critic have come to discover some common ground. Don’t look now but this could hint at signs of a friendship to come. Read more

Ways to get in the mood when you’re feeling gross

Winter is here and even though I’m in California where I don’t experience a truly brutal winter, there’s something about the shorter days that give winter a real icky vibe. Even without blustery winds, there are so many days when I want to put my hair in a top knot (and not a cute Urban Outfitters catalog top knot, a totally gross one that’s flat and greasy, but still frizzy in a way that seems to defy science) and wear sweats all day. And when there are a lot of those days in a row, you can start to feel pretty gross about yourself. And when you’re feeling gross about yourself, it’s tough to get into the mood for sex. Read more

Daily horoscopes: February 28, 2017


(March 20 - April 19):

It’s hard to tell the difference between agitation and excitement. It doesn’t much matter as long as you channel the energy into doing something constructive.


(April 20 - May 20):

Be honest. Not getting what you wanted is what you secretly desired. Don't make the other party feel bad for turning you down. Read more

Daily horoscopes: February 27, 2017


(March 20 - April 19):

A partner is disappointed with results, but you see the seeds of a future success. Be encouraging. Your bravado is needed now.


(April 20 - May 20):

Clearly there will be changes in your career. Thankfully you have lots of time to negotiate them. Be proactive. Don’t wait for developments to come to you. Read more

Daily horoscopes: February 24, 2017


(March 20 - April 19):

You’re tempted to sidestep a confrontation, but don’t. You need to protect your interests before things get worse.


(April 20 - May 20):

Change doesn’t undermine your security; it expands it. Don’t let your love of the status quo keep you from thinking outside the comfort zone. Read more