Travel with your new boo before you hit three months

New relationships are fun and sexy and exciting. They’re also one extended test. Don’t cringe at the word “test,” though! (Or do, but stick with me, please!) I’ve witnessed so many of my friends not treat their new relationships as a test and I just have to say something in case you’re doing the same thing. Instead of starting something with a new man and testing it out to see if this relationship works for her, I’ll often see my friend transition into “needing to make it work” Read more

Daily horoscopes: December 5, 2017


(March 20 - April 19):

Ease up on the tough love.  A close friend or sibling feels bad enough.  What s/he needs is confidence not criticism.


(April 20 - May 20):

Make sure you're in on the joke before joining in.  You never know who's in earshot and given how your voice carries that could spell trouble. Read more

Daily horoscopes: December 4, 2017


(March 20 - April 19):

You gave it your best shot and if people can't see that then it's their problem. Actually it's their problem anyway because after today you're through.


(April 20 - May 20):

You can't negotiate for everybody and be successful. Focus on furthering your own interests. Read more

Daily horoscopes: December 1, 2017


(March 20 - April 19):

It's when you feel like nobody knows what it's like to be in your position that you need to reach out.  No man (or woman) is an island.


(April 20 - May 20):

Venus in Sagittarius will do a lot to buoy your spirits. It rekindles your spirits and gets you out and about. You need to feel attractive again. Read more

What to do if your friend’s boyfriend is too good for her

This whole blog post is a major breach of girl code. I’m well aware of that. But, I felt like I had to write it after I was a guest at a lovely dinner party where I was seated next to a couple where the woman was terrible to the man. She berated him in front of me, a total stranger, was competitive with him and was totally boring while he was a dreamy conversationalist. After the party, I sent a gossipy text to my host asking about this couple and she responded that she was so conflicted about that couple. Read more

Daily horoscopes: November 30, 2017


(March 20 - April 19):

Don’t be too disappointed by your first meet and greet. You often don't make a good first impression with the people who go on to become major fixtures in your life.


(April 20 - May 20):

A promise is postponed, but don't be discouraged.  Somebody in the upper echelon supports you and won't stop until you receive your due. Patience is a virtue now. Read more