Daily horoscopes: June 26, 2017


(March 20 - April 19):

It's useless to point out how allowances are made for others, but not you. You're held to higher standards. It comes with being a role model.


(April 20 - May 20):

You thought you were being singled out unfairly.  Now you begin to see that it was in order to reward, not punish.  That's a nice about-face. Read more

Daily horoscopes: June 23, 2017


(March 20 - April 19):

That confrontation doesn't have to take place if you don't want it to.  Your opponent is looking for an out and will happily meet you halfway.


(April 20 - May 20):

Good things come to those who wait.  Heaven knows it hasn't been easy these past few weeks, but your prize is in reach. Read more

Exactly what you need to do when his texts are confusing

One of my best girlfriends is going through it with a new man. The two of them had a long flirtation with a lot of texting, a good week and a half of dating that was incredibly romantic and then, suddenly, their interactions are now limited to lame texts. It’s driving her so nuts that she’s about to crawl out of her skin. She’s really confused. How could weeks of flirting and then some actual dating devolve into infrequent and thoughtless texting with no mention of getting together? It’s an awful spot that I think anyone who’s dated a bunch will recognize. Read more

Daily horoscopes: June 22, 2017


(March 20 - April 19):

Cover ups are never a good idea because once you start you'll never stop. Come clean with what went down. Chances are others won't see it as being as bad as all that.


(April 20 - May 20):

Anything that looks like it's too good to be true usually is. Don't get tricked into taking on somebody else's burden. Read more

Daily horoscopes: June 21, 2017


(March 20 - April 19):

It may feel like a drag taking on another obligation however this particular burden could turn into a godsend.


(April 20 - May 20):

You can't make people's decisions for them.  How else will they learn what works and what doesn't?  You can still coach from the sidelines. Read more

5 Times it’s OK for you to lie to your boo

You guys know that I’m all about open and honest communication. But, don’t get it twisted, that doesn’t mean I think you need to be honest with your boo at all times. In fact, I think a little lie every now and then can be really helpful for a relationship. Here are five instances where I think it’s OK to lie to your lover. And, if I’m being fully honest, I think you actually should lie! Read more