Daily horoscopes: July 14, 2017


(March 20 - April 19):

A matter you thought would take longer to work out suddenly resolves itself.  Can you trust it?  You betcha!


(April 20 - May 20):

It's frustrating to hold the ace and not know how to play it.  Ask friends for advice.  Your answer will be the sum of what they say. Read more

Daily horoscopes: July 13, 2017


(March 20 - April 19):

Think twice about cutting corners because the rule you bend today could snap back and hit you in the derriere tomorrow. Best do things by the book.


(April 20 - May 20):

Alliances change so rapidly that it makes sense to pencil in names. Someone who used to be persona non grata now has star power. Read more

Should his past determine your relationship’s future?

As you probably know, I’m way into the Bachelorette! I’m convinced Rachel is going to be the best Bachelorette of all time. I love her confidence, drive and suffer-no-fools attitude. Plus, I really like her age. She’s the oldest Bachelorette the series has ever had on and I’m so supportive of that. 31 is a fantastic age to meet the person you’re going to spend your life with. Much better than 24, in my opinion. And her race is a welcome change because #BacheloretteSoWhite. In the latest episode, one of Rachel’s suitors, DeMario, had an ex-girlfriend (or ex-friends-with-benefits…kinda unclear) come onto the show and reveal that he never truly ended things with her. Read more

Daily horoscopes: July 12, 2017


(March 20 - April 19):

Don't try to cover for a colleague's misstep.  It will only trip you up.  Wait a few days to see how you can do the most good.


(April 20 - May 20):

Look, but don't touch.  You may be grasping for something beyond reach.  Events over the next few days will bring it into range. Read more

Daily horoscopes: July 11, 2017


(March 20 - April 19):

Everyone passed on an outlandish project, but you know better.  You recognize its potential and know how to make the most of it.


(April 20 - May 20):

When a door closes, a window opens.  Cliché, but true.  But considering how short-lived that window of opportunity is, you'll want to shake a leg today. Read more

Daily horoscopes: July 10, 2017


(March 20 - April 19):

Don't be so quick to rush to the rescue. A loved one has been less-than-forthcoming about his role in matters.


(April 20 - May 20):

Six degrees of separation becomes three as you discover that you and an acquaintance have a certain someone in common.  Put out feelers to see what's been disclosed already. Read more