How to actually communicate in a relationship

One of my best friends always reads the posts on my sites... because she is the world’s best best friend... and she recently pointed out a content blind spot I never noticed. She told me that she loves how I always give the advice to communicate with your partner, but that I never really explain how to communicate. And that’s a really good point! I always beat the same drum and tell you guys how important communication is. But, I never tell you how to communicate. Well, that’s going to change right how. Here’s how to actually communicate in a relationship when you have an issue to discuss. Read more

Daily horoscopes: August 31, 2017


(March 20 - April 19):

What's the difference between a trip and an adventure?  One has a set destination while the other's open-ended.  Go where the spirit takes you.


(April 20 - May 20):

It isn't always easy acting in the best interests of a loved one, but soldier on.  You'll be thanked for it one day. Read more

Daily horoscopes: August 30, 2017


(March 20 - April 19):

You say you can't get there from here, but events today show that that mountain could very well be moving closer to you.


(April 20 - May 20):

A "maybe" is a "yes" in the making. Continue to work those contacts and massage those egos and something will loosen up. Read more

How to be a social media sensation even if your boo is social media shy

Do you all follow Busy Philipps on Instagram? If not, get on it! She’s truly an Instagram Story sensation! She shares so much of her life via social media and you get a real sense of who she is. She comes off as a delightful goofball who’s wickedly funny and very, very relatable. Her social media presence has catapulted her from an actress I wasn’t that familiar with to one of my favorite Hollywood stars. And I’m not the only one. It feels like everyone’s talking about Busy’s Instagram recently. I read about it in Glamour and People and hear about it on podcasts. Read more

Daily horoscopes: August 29, 2017


(March 20 - April 19):

You shoot straight from the hip.  Unfortunately the same cannot be said for people you're dealing with.  Keep comments in your holster for now.


(April 20 - May 20):

Stop trying to hold on to what used to work.  Let go of old rules and expectations.  Choose what you want, not what you need. Read more

Daily horoscopes: August 28, 2017


(March 20 - April 19):

It isn't easy copping to self-sabotaging behavior, but now that you have it's time to do something more proactive than ignore it.


(April 20 - May 20):

It's your job to play peacekeeper even if conflicts don't involve you.  Staking out higher moral ground gets others to step up to theirs. Read more