Daily horoscopes: April 11, 2018


(March 20 - April 19):

It takes time to get used to someone else's way of doing things.  Keep an open mind.  You may be won over.


(April 20 - May 20):

Take each victory as it comes.  Today you get an agreement in spirit.  This puts you one step closer to getting it in writing. Read more

Daily horoscopes: April 10, 2018


(March 20 - April 19):

You're better suited for taking on a leadership role than you think. Sometimes it's only by being thrown in at the deep end that you learn to swim.


(April 20 - May 20):

You're trying too hard to gain others' favor. You need to remember that you were born under Venus, planet of charm and persuasion. It's honey, not vinegar, that will get you what you want. Read more

What to do when you and your boo are in competition

I was recently at a game night. It was a big group with some singles and some couples. We were all having a grand old time until one of the couples got a little competitive... with each other! The woman kept rubbing it in the man’s face whenever she’d win. And he clearly felt like crap about it, so he’d play a lot more aggressively. Let me tell you what kills a friendly game night: cutthroat competition. The rest of us were there to drink cocktails and have fun, but those two let their rivalry ruin the night for all of us. Read more

Daily horoscopes: April 9, 2018


(March 20 - April 19):

Before the problem was with the circumstances. Now it's timing. Keep at it because things will align by May 8.


(April 20 - May 20):

Beware office gossip. Even if you're only passing along what somebody else said yours will be the name that a superior unearths. Read more

Daily horoscopes: April 6, 2018


(March 20 - April 19):

Everyone's dancing around the point.  Go ahead and say what others are avoiding.  They'll thank you for it.


(April 20 - May 20):

Don't push for things to happen before they're ready or you'll regret it.  Put your faith in the timing of the Universe.  It's a better judge of matters than you are. Read more

What to do if your partner has a drinking problem

A friend of mine is coming to terms with the fact that her husband is an addict - drinking. It’s been really hard for both of them. They’ve been married for a while and he’s been relatively high functioning. He’s successful professionally and can stay sober for stretches of time. When he falls off the wagon though, he falls hard. Recently those hard falls have been more and more frequent and my friend can’t ignore them or write them off any more. She asked me how I think she should handle it. Here’s what I told her Read more