Daily horoscopes: April 1, 2019


(March 20 - April 19):

You want to wrap things up and move on, but you can't do that until someone else gets his house in order first.  The sooner you help out, the sooner you'll be on your way.


(April 20 - May 20):

You hit it off with a complete stranger.  It's only when you discover his identity that you wonder if you spoke out of turn.  Don't worry. You made a great impression.


(May 21 - June 20):

Keep pushing for terms that would make you happiest.  You have a very good chance of realizing them.


(June 21 - July 21):

You'll soon hear about an amazing opportunity, but you may have to relocate or end a budding relationship to pursue this.


(July 22 - Aug. 22):

You hear from an ex friend who's contrite.  But when a door closes with you it closes for good.  You've moved on.  Tell him/her to do the same.


(Aug. 23 - Sept. 22):

You're dealing with huge egos and nobody wants to look bad.  Find a way for everyone to back out of a standoff without losing face and you'll win the day.


(Sept. 23 - Oct. 22):

If there was ever a time to take a risk or push the envelope then this is it.  People need to know that you're a force to be reckoned with.


(Oct. 23 - Nov. 21):

Feeling underutilized at work?  Figure out changes that benefit both you and your employer and you'll win his undivided attention.


(Nov. 22 - Dec. 20):

Yesterday you were excited about future prospects and eager to get started.  Today you're not so sure.  Remember that a new path isn't new if you already know the way.


(Dec. 21 - Jan. 19):

Expect to be on call for the next few days.  Friends are undergoing personal crises and are sorely in need of advice.


(Jan. 20 - Feb. 17):

Be choosey about who you confide in these days.  Usually one for facing the truth, you wouldn't mind a little cushioning now.


(Feb. 18 - March 19):

Do you really want to knock over that game board?  It may feel good in the moment, but you'll still have to pick up the pieces later.

Daily horoscopes: March 29, 2019


(March 20 - April 19):

Do you still want what you were after?  It's a worthwhile question.  The wish may not stand up to the fulfillment.


(April 20 - May 20):

Your hands were tied, but check to make sure that that's still the case. A shift in planetary energies shows you may have loosened the knot.


(May 21 - June 20):

You thought that when you achieved your goal you could relax. Alas, holding on to that accomplishment will prove to be just as all consuming.


(June 21 - July 21):

Sometimes preserving the way things used to be gets in the way of growth. Give a loved one some space.  You won't be disappointed.


(July 22 - Aug. 22):

There's a difference between negotiating aggressively and bullying.  Tone it down because you're getting dangerously close to crossing the line.


(Aug. 23 - Sept. 22):

The unexpected departure of someone you depended on may turn out to be a blessing in disguise.  What you lose in support you gain in self-sufficiency.


(Sept. 23 - Oct. 22):

You'll have to help someone if you want to help yourself but only you can decide if this interdependent or co-dependent.


(Oct. 23 - Nov. 21):

What was supposed to be a temporary arrangement is turning into a full-time job.  Meet with higher-ups to see where this is going.


(Nov. 22 - Dec. 20):

You've had it with critical types finding fault with everything you do, but it's in order to make things better.  You wouldn't get this kind of attention otherwise.


(Dec. 21 - Jan. 19):

You're entering a hectic time when you will feel overwhelmed.  Take things in stride and trust that anything that needs to be done will get done.


(Jan. 20 - Feb. 17):

Believe it or not people are slowly coming around to your point of view. Keep pushing your solution – but gently.


(Feb. 18 - March 19):

Don't worry about putting a demanding client or customer in his place. You can always get another.  That said, play hardball with confidence.

Should picky eating be a deal breaker?

A friend of mine just came back from a Tinder date that she was really excited about before she met him. Post date, her only feedback was, “He doesn’t eat sushi. Deal breaker!” Um, really? He doesn’t eat one type of cuisine and you’re out? For her, the answer was yes. For you, I’m hoping the answer is it depends. And here’s what it should depend on. Read more

Daily horoscopes: March 28, 2019


(March 20 - April 19):

The trick to getting a handle on things is to start out small.  Progress may be slow at first but your pace will eventually pick up.


(April 20 - May 20):

Someone you had pegged as the button-down type shows a surprisingly racy side.  You should know better than to judge a book by its cover.  Now take a peek inside.


(May 21 - June 20):

Don't undo the good you've done by reaching for another solution before test-driving the one already in place.  You need to give things time to play out.


(June 21 - July 21):

Abrupt changes rarely take while those introduced over time become enduring.  Have faith in the slow pace of developments.  It's steadfast.


(July 22 - Aug. 22):

Sometimes the answer can be standing right next to you.  Ask a close friend who faced a dilemma similar to yours how s/he dealt with it.  The advice will prove precious.


(Aug. 23 - Sept. 22):

An acquaintance asks leading questions.  Fishing expedition maybe?  Do yourself a favor and change the subject.


(Sept. 23 - Oct. 22):

You need to make changes that are more than cosmetic.  Put yourself first and your life will follow.


(Oct. 23 - Nov. 21):

You won't get everything you want at work, but it's not a wash either. As far as compromises go, it's a good one.  Consider it a foothold.


(Nov. 22 - Dec. 20):

Something that was on the backburner comes to a full boil.  You may find yourself racing to play catch up over the next few days.


(Dec. 21 - Jan. 19):

A contingency plan is taking on a life of its own.  Perhaps it's time to upgrade it from alternative route to the way to go.


(Jan. 20 - Feb. 17):

Today's your chance to catch up on areas of your life you've been neglecting.  Sometimes putting out other people's fires leads you to overlook your own.


(Feb. 18 - March 19):

Saying you don't have an opinion (when everyone knows you do) is silly. Talk about what you'd like to see happen. You might be taken seriously.

Daily horoscopes: March 27, 2019


(March 20 - April 19):

Helping people develop their potential isn't easy because they can't see what you see.  But that's what makes you a good coach.  You won't give up until they do.


(April 20 - May 20):

Don't let disappointment spoil what's on offer.  It's a far cry from what you asked for, but it's still pretty good. Most people would say you're lucky.


(May 21 - June 20):

What begins as a misadventure - like finding a lost object or having to change seats - puts you in contact with someone you'll want to know better.


(June 21 - July 21):

Sudden changes rarely work while changes introduced over time have staying power.  Trust in how developments unfold.  They're steadfast.


(July 22 - Aug. 22):

What you know to be true doesn't jibe with what you're hearing today so take it with a grain of salt.


(Aug. 23 - Sept. 22):

An amazing opportunity isn't so amazing when you learn that you'll have to return to a vocation or location that you just left.  Mull it over.


(Sept. 23 - Oct. 22):

Are you so caught up in the back-and-forth that you've lost sight of your goals?  Today's last quarter Moon reminds you of your bottom-line.


(Oct. 23 - Nov. 21):

It takes a lot to ask a favor.  You're famously self-sufficient and proud of the fact you don't owe anyone anything.  But everyone needs help from time to time . . .


(Nov. 22 - Dec. 20):

This isn't the day to force an issue.  The other party holds all the cards.  Adopt a low-key approach and you slip in under the radar


(Dec. 21 - Jan. 19):

Pay close attention to people you meet now because two of them will have an enormous impact on your life.


(Jan. 20 - Feb. 17):

Switch mental tracks from "putting up with" to "working with". People are less of a burden if you incorporate what they have to say.


(Feb. 18 - March 19):

Like the sea, your subtle persistence wears down an opponent's guard. You've softened this person up. It's time to make your pitch.

Questions to ask yourself when your friends say you’re too picky

Finding the right balance in romance is tough. We all know no one is perfect, but we’re been sold this idea that there’s someone out there who’s perfect for us. Honestly, that’s not true. Don’t get me wrong. I’m all about true love, but I know that love is never perfect. Even the best relationships involve some compromise Read more